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So i purchased a tri color wrasse for my 30 gallon jbj rimless. Purchased him about 6 days ago at a lfs that has a good reputation. Fish appeared healthy and was swimming around actively. I have 2 clowns, a flame angel and white goby and pistol shrimp combo that are as healthy as can be. So i acclimate the wrasse for about 45 minutes and i put him in.he pretty much just hid, which i thought was normal. I noticed him coming out in the morning and then just hiding once the lights came on. i did see him eat once or twice when feeding. So now, i haven't seen him in about 4 days. Im not sure what i should do, not sure if he is dead or alive. am i going to have to move all my rock around to get him out??? what would you guys do??? any input will be appreciate

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It's probably hiding. Some wrasses can be very shy. Try looking around your tank to make sure it didn't jump.


Also, please upgrade to something bigger. The wrasse and the flame need more space. The flame could have also harassed the wrasse since its a small tank. And that probably made the wrasse hide. People tend to put angelfish as the last addition due to territorial issues with new fish after them.

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I've been looking around all over the place. it seems like the flame angel didn't even pay attention to it when it was out, but who knows.. ill keep looking, thank you

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I've been looking around all over the place. it seems like the flame angel didn't even pay attention to it when it was out, but who knows.. ill keep looking, thank you

Could've been while lights went out. To me that's when the serious territorial issues occur, since most fish like to sleep on their own spot. If there is a new fish around they can get very aggressive.


Good luck tho. Don't forget to upgrade soon ;)

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Test your water for ammonia that is the first sign something big has died unless you have things like crabs, shrimp,bristle worms and narcissus snail,


I know I had a lemonpeel in a 55 the last fish in and she made all the other fish hide. Your wrasse might be nursing wounds from your angel.


I assume by tri colored wrasse you are talking about this guy here http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=747+871+369&pcatid=369 was it a spur of the moment buy? I know some lfs will tell a customer what they want to hear. "Sure you can put that fish in your tank just be sure to keep an eye on it." I always research before I purchase.

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he looks like this guy i posted. not a spur of the moment buy, i actually read an article on this site before i purchased any of my fish... I used it as a guideline and thats how i went about buying fish. Im going to test my ammonia now


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he looks like this guy i posted. not a spur of the moment buy, i actually read an article on this site before i purchased any of my fish... I used it as a guideline and thats how i went about buying fish. Im going to test my ammonia now

So you know that that fish requires lots of hiding places and plenty of room to swim. A 30g is not the best home for it.

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To give you an example I got a candy hogfish thinking he died or had jumped I tore apart my tank 3 times in 2 days. About a week later thinking he was gone forever he came out and started cruising the tank like he owned the place.


Some wrasses bury themselves others will hide and put a sort of mucus cocoon around themselves.

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Hope you have a top as they love to jump. Oh and I have 3 wrasses in my 34 gal........ Call the wrasse police lol. But yeah I wouldn't put them in a smaller cube as they like to swim and need little more length imo

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That's a Ruby Red Fairy Wrasse (or something like that - at least, that's what they call them over here). They're from the Indo-Bali region (if I'm not mistaken) and it rarely appears in the aquarium trade, and they definitely need a bigger space than a 30G.

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I had a green coris that I thought for sure was dead...what do you know two WEEKS later he shows up.Same with my Formosia he is hiding when I take my 75 down.A week no rock water being without a heater no flow and all of the sudden when we go back the last day of renting the place and the last day there he was panting like crazy so we rushed him over to the LFS and they said he was such a good specimen they were going to use him on show...still have him a year later wrasses are little troopers give him some time.

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I think I'm going to start moving rocks, I'm losing patience


No. Just wait.... either..


A. it is alive and hiding and moving stuff is only going to stress it out more.

B. It is dead and your cuc/hidden bristleworms disposed of its corpse within hours.


Either it will show up... or it won't. Either way, do nothing.

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The only foolproof thing to do is get about 10-16 good micro brews some pretzels a chair and watch your tank and drink until you pass out. When you awake maybe he will be visible or maybe he will be the Amelia Earhart of your tank...



Legal Disclaimer: I do not now or ever advise drinking in excess to the point of passing out, bad things can happen, tattoos,broken things(personal property or bones), and a Thank you note with a phone number from someone you don't know on your nightstand just to give a few examples.

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My brother thought he lost a wrasse, just to find it 3 months later in his back chamber of his rsm130d. Since then, he has found it back there twice.

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I have a wrasse that buried itself in the sand for a full week before it came out. The worst thing you can do is poke around and stress it out even more. Just leave it be, it will come out when ready.


Or it could be coming out briefly and is being harassed by the Angel. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening. I have a 75 gallon tank and my flame angel still chases my fairy wrasse from time to time.


Also, I may have missed it but what kind of top do you have on the tank? Wrasses are notorious jumpers.

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