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Coral Vue Hydros

What LPS can touch?


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So I've seen so many videos of these people who have all sorts of different LPS touching, or extremely close. How do they get away with this?


Can Hammers touch other Euphilia corals? (spelling) What can touch zoanthids? You get where I'm going, what can I keep in close quarters, and what can and can't touch?



I've seen huge frogspawns near duncan colonies and so fourth, how does this work?

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Trial and error. Same species are usually always fine. Sometimes others are good, but my Duncan may be able to touch my zoa, but your Duncan may not be able to touch your zoa.

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I once had a chalice coral sit right next to an acropora for 4 months and do nothing. One day I came home and it had digested one full branch (about 4 inches worth). It's very trial/error

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Acan Encinatas need LOTS of room, they are Very Lethal to surrounding Corals. I have lost a few Nice Pcs because of this.

Some Chalices can sent out some Long Sweepers as well. My Hollywood a stunner Chalice could send out 8-10" sweepers, and it was Paper Thin.


Good Reef Related Thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's usually a good idea not to put any euphyllia or torch corals too close to anything. They can pack a punch. The rest is mostly trial and error though. I had an acan echinata colony next to an acan lord frag for about a week and I looked at them one night after the lights went off and the echinata colony had released it's mesenterial filaments and destroyed my acan lord frag. They were about 3 inches apart too.

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I agree with trial and error, ive had hammer and frogspawn corals live happily literally touching each other 24/7, but I have a torch coral that will obliterate anything it touches. (Which is hard when its tentacles are 4 inches long).

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