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Coral Vue Hydros

Got my tank =)


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After a year of lurking around MB's, I finally got my tank today. I got a mini-bow 7 with a 32 watt csl kit.


Couple of questions: I put a millenium 2k filter on it, mostly for circulation. I planned to take the media out, but the LFS guy said to leave it in. I don't know which way to go. I plan to leave it in for a day or two to clean up any die off, but after that, not sure.


I added 7lbs of LR and 10lbs of LS and used water from the LFS's tanks, so I figured it would be safe to add a small hermit crab (scarlet) he seems fine, but he hasn't moved around much. He is out of his shell, though. Is this normal? Or did I add him too soon?


lessee here, I noticed a bit of other life, one small bug looking thingy about 1/4 inch long, didnt get a real good look at him before he made it to cover. One bristleworm:dead. I left his little carcass there because its tough to get to and i thought maybe part of him might live. I'm no worm M.D. heh. Also, a tiny featherduster on an extra shell I got for my crab, nice little bonus there.


One last question, I saw the most awesome little damsel at the LFS. He was called a spotted damsel. Dark blue with light blue polka dots. I plan on only one fish for this tank, and I don't want it to be a clown. Anyone know how big these guys get?


Thanx for any info at all. Heck thanx for just reading this, nice to be a part of the community after watching and salivating so long!

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A) Nice choice on the tank, IMO!! This will pack plenty of power for just about anything...


B1)I think you will be just fine with the built in filtration (no extra current needed -I'm sure I will take some heat for this recommendation, but it has seemed to work VERY well on the tanks I have seen [especially if your rock work is very open]).


B2)I would pull out the filtration media on the MB7... I do however like running GAC (activated carbon) in small aquariums, And the space in back of the MB is plenty for a heater or a bag of GAC (or phosphate remover if you ever need it).


C) It is not normal behavior for your hermit to be out of his shell, he is probably not doing very well... I would wait about a week before I would add your clean-up crew.


D) The 1/4 inch creature was probably a amphipod, which your future fish will enjoy eating ;). Also I wouldn't highly recommend putting a fish in 7 gallon, but won't deny that it can be done... Try going for some sort of small gobie i.e. a neon or a red headed goby... If the damsel seems really active it probably isn't a good idea, as he preferably would go in an aquarium with ample room to swim...

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Oh, he isn't completely out of his shell! I meant his head and claws are extended. He just hasn't got up and walked around at all. Kinda disheartening for my first creature.


Thanx for the fish info. I'm not primarily interested in fish, but my wife wouldn't dig it if I had an aquarium with no fish. I figured a damsel would be hardy. I just had never heard/seen this type before.

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i agree with putting in the carbon, it will only do more good than harm. 7 gallons is enough for a fish, i would say 5 or less is pushing, so throw that damsel in ONLY if you have open rock formation for him to swim.

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damn, i actually wanted the tank setup you got, but settled on ten gallons because of the free canopy and stand i got for it, the only advantage is that its 10 gallons which = easier and better for damsels. hell, the tank has just been setup and i have 3 baby damsels! abuser, but a loving one.

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