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Coral Vue Hydros

It fell apart... Acropora? Green moss?


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My partner has got to be the biggest jerk that ever lived. I just started a nano reef tank and I've been adding a new frag every week. We had a fight and he thought he would be nice and buy me a new frag. It was a half ass attempt. I've clearly told him I can only handle easy corals and when I asked what kind it was he said "I don't know". It was still in the bag and looked kind of like an acropora (I think. I'm still new). Anyway when I tried to take it out of the bag it fell apart and pieces of what look like green moss flew everywhere. It's on a plug that looks like a thumb shaped cork screw that could only possibly be placed in the sand. All that remains on the plug (which is a good inch taller than my sandbed) is an ugly shriveled nub about 2 inches long that is covered in this hairy green moss looking stuff. It's very ugly and I'm not even close to being sure what it could be. IF it is an acropora I'm sure I'm not able to care for it since my tank is very young and they sound difficult to keep. Anyone? I'm very very upset so if someone could identify this and offer a shred of hope and reassurance I would greatly appreciate it.

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it looks like he brought you a dead coral covered in algae to be a jerk... but really i have no idea. if my partner came home with that id be seriously questioning his motives. no one goes to buy a gift and comes back with anything that ugly.

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So is it fair to assume that is definitely algae

Well, it's algae covering something. And corals can take months to recover and decide to come back to life. You never know?

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He says it didn't look like that when he picked it out. He says it has branches like a cactus. I'm not sure I believe that.


I feel like this is too intricate for a lie; are you still upset in general? Anyway, just clean it up and see what's underneath! It'll be a nice surprise! :] And if the algae has choked out the coral underneath, then hey: free decorative coral skeleton and/or semi-porous skeleton for bacteria and stuff to settle into or encrusting coral to grow over!

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Hell my wife could give a a flying you know what about this hobby, why not consider it a good gesture instead of crucifying him. What if his intentions were good. Take a better picture so Wr can identify what you got there.

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Sinc it isn't doing well I was afraid to do a peroxide dip so I put some peroxide on a qtip and managed to get most of what looks like algae off - but not all.



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Who would by a coral covered in green algae and possibly think it is alive? And if he said it wasn't that way when he picked it up... then that is a world record for the time it took for that algae to grow. I would say he is definitely pulling your chain. If algae can grow on it then the tissue is gone which means dead polyps. If the entire skeleton was covered with algae then all of the tissue is gone meaning the frag is likely dead. If there is some tissue left however, it could over a long period of time start to regrow itself from that tissue so long as at least one polyps remains.


Just my $.02

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Being bad? That ridiculous. Not sure where that came from but totally inaccurate and unnecessary. I'm asking for help not more BS- Troll! Whatever!


Anyway, for those of you with more constructive input, I took the coral back. The owner took one look and apologized then helped me pick out another. So I picked a very beautiful piece but can't for the life of me remember what he called it. It hasn't quite come back out but it kinda reminded me of a blue Christmas tree with green flickering lights. So what's this?

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Hahaha you traded I turd for three turds. What's this lfs called? I have some ideas.


Coral Crap

Frag fu&@ Up

Slap yo mama corals.


This is one of the more creative troll threads though. Slow clap......clap........clap........clap

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