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So I have only seen this with my red grape and mermaid cup macroalgae. As of now I don't have any coral in one tank just sand and rock. I did general maintenance but mostly forgot about it. Now today I see tiny little buds of red grape from some of the rocks that did not have any grape along with many green stocks that have the morphology of the mermaid cup. This stuff is every where including rocks that had absolutely nothing. Actually I was for certain I had lost my mermaid cup and it was long gone but suddenly it springs back up. This occurred before in a smaller tank and almost always occurred when I wasn't watching parameters like hawk. I know caulerpa can have spores but what about red grape and mermaid cup? Can they create spores and spread to other rocks?


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Can they create spores and spread to other rocks?



Yes all macro algaes can. Or even the tiniest bit of plant matter from the old plant can cause it to grow back. Resilient is the best word for macro algaes.

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