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Tankmate for six line and damsel


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I recently lost a tailspot blenny in my 20l. The two remaining fish are a yellowtail damsel and a six line wrasse. The blenny was the first fish added, and I don't think I could add another one with these two fish already established in the tank.

I'm wondering what I could add now? Would these two accept a new addition? I'm thinking it would have to be a semi aggressive fish In order to hold its own.

Any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Toy, I'll be honest. I had a yellowtail damsel and sixline in my 30G. Any other new attempted additions afterwards (with the exception of a bonded pair of Tomato clowns) were literally chased and bullied all over my tank to the point I had to return all new purchases. Especially if you're not willing to rearrange to rockwork to breakup established territories, I wouldn't consider getting another fish unless it's meaner and bigger. Even then, the fish must have the balls to stand up to your established duo.


Don't get any passive fish - even sandcrawlers - because they'll get the crap beaten out of them ---> based on personal experience.

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I recently lost a tailspot blenny in my 20l. The two remaining fish are a yellowtail damsel and a six line wrasse. The blenny was the first fish added, and I don't think I could add another one with these two fish already established in the tank.

I'm wondering what I could add now? Would these two accept a new addition? I'm thinking it would have to be a semi aggressive fish In order to hold its own.

Any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.


Bi-color dottyback or a tough member of the pseudochromis family might be able to hold its own. You really have 2 great fish with tough personalities. Good luck with the decision.

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Bi-color dottyback or a tough member of the pseudochromis family might be able to hold its own. You really have 2 great fish with tough personalities. Good luck with the decision.


+1, this is what I would try.

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Going to give the purple dottyback a try. It should be in this week.


Any tips on introducing it to the tank to soften the transition for everyone? Should I introduce it with the lights out? Feed the fish at the same time? My LFS said the dottyback is more agressive than the damsel or six line.



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If you have a breeders net, trap, or an acclimation box that would be the best way so that they all get to see each other for a day or two before they can get in direct contact. I think either way there will be some level of aggression though. The pseudo may have the most aggressive nature of those 3 fish but any fish introduced into a new environment is going to be prone to bullying. If you don't have anything to use and an acclimation chamber then lights out would be the next best thing. You will also want to try to keep the top of the tank covered. When aggression happens the fish being bullied will often hang out at the top and is likely to jump out accidentally while being attacked. I have unfortunately learned that the hard way. Best of luck!

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I have had a blue devil for 5 years, I moved a tomato clown and a purple dotty back into its tank. The only fish being a butt head is the tomato clown.


It really depends on the fishes personality. Always have a backup plan.

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Added the purple dottyback this afternoon. He has no fear of his tankmates and is eating. No fights so far, just initial posturing. The other two fish are leaving him alone in his little spot.


We'll see how it goes...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have observed a few quick fights of a second of two so far. Tonight I noticed the wrasse has a little damage in his tail fin. Everyone else seems to be in good shape. There definitely is tension between the wrasse and dottyback. The wrasse loves to cruze around the tank and when he gets near the dottyback, they both flair up. The dottyback will some times try to make the wrasse flinch by quickly darting a short distance. Usually, the wrasse flairs his fins and swim around the dottyback.


How long should I try to see if they will settle down and get along?

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I think they will be fine. No one can bully the dottyback, that's one mean fish. I got rid of mine when I upgraded, just a bit too mean, even to fish twice it's size.

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A six line should be able to hold it's own they are just having territory fights right now,it should settle down once the wrasse kinda figures out how to go around the dotty backs territory or they figure it out(worse comes to worst a fish will die but very unlikely)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having the same idea of introducing a tankmate for my six line wrasse (first fish) into my 7g but couldn't think of which to add in. I know that six line shouldn't be added as a first fish but I couldn't resist it! Will it chase if I add either a blenny or invertebrate like skunk shrimp? Thanks.

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I believe that the 6-line now knows that 7 gallons as "his" space and well will probably defend it as so.I don't think anything that eats will be allowed in.I had the opposite though my 6-line was the nicest poor baby I ever had.My Clark's clown decided to kill him(RIP 6) so it may work but I do agree that the tank is to small but if he seems to be happy and out and about maybe when he gets a touch bigger you have an excuse to upgrade!


Sorry if that is an incoherent ramble it's morning and I'm pretty sick :/

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huh? and I thought clown fish was friendly (looks like it has a hidden dark side, lol)...


Thanks for the input, my 6-line bit the hose while I was doing a wc cleaning the sand bed last sat, guess that it's defending it's territory.

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Yeah some clowns are @$$holes and I guess all fish can be....but yes that 6 line definitely won't allow another fish in his tank.If you would like another fish you have to either upgrade or (unfortunately) trade in the wrasse.

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I would have to add the old rearange the tank thing never worked for me in the past... The fish would still know they are in the tank and are still comfortable in the water filtration and movement etc... and the new fish will be adapting. They would more than likely still bully the new addition. Just my experience.

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