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Algae ID & Help Please


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I got some live rock with a used tank i just purchased a week ago, scrubbed it with a brush & left it in a bucket with a pump/heater. I placed it yesterday in my frag tank as i will keep a fish or two in it and it of course has some algae that i have never seen before and was wondering what should i do, my thoughts ate as follows and would really like some advice on what is the best thing to do with it. It looks either green or tan, is hairy. I blew some crud off with a turkey baster, some comes off but the hairy stuffs is attached, could scrub it again with a toothbrush again but i think it woul come back imo.


1) its just green hair algae and get a cuc for my frag tank?

2) remove the rock, let it dry out and put it back on after a week?

3) Boil it in a pot killing what ever is in it, place it back in my frag tank and let it cycle?

4) place it in either a vinegar or bleach solution for 24 hours & then rince it off and place it in the tank & let it cycle?


I am open to suggestions on how to proceed, the only livestock i have in my frag tank right now are some Montii frags, a couple of orang digi frags, a coulle of mushrooms & xenia. I also have 3 blue/green chromis that are pretty hardy & might survive a mini cycle.


Thanks in advance for all of your help & ideas.




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prepare a bucket with half salt water half hydrogen peroxide and another bucket with just salt water. Dip each rock for 3-5 minutes.

Rinse in saltwater bucket, put back in tank.

Will take ~3 days for the algae to whiten and die. Check for ammonia levels. You can also do this one rock a week to lessen the destruction of beneficial bacteria.


Mexican turbo snails and urchins will mow it down.

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prepare a bucket with half salt water half hydrogen peroxide and another bucket with just salt water. Dip each rock for 3-5 minutes.

Rinse in saltwater bucket, put back in tank.

Will take ~3 days for the algae to whiten and die. Check for ammonia levels. You can also do this one rock a week to lessen the destruction of beneficial bacteria.


Mexican turbo snails and urchins will mow it down.


I heard turbo snails are like bulldozers and knock everything down? Is this some bad type of byopsis or is it just standard algae? I like the idea of peroxide, not sure i have enough for a 50/50.


Could i do this, use some tank water from a change and mix it 4-1 saltwateriperoxide, leave it in for lets say 5 minutes, then move it to another bucket of tank water with a power head and leave it for a few days for the die off then move it back to the display tank or am i wasting my time doing all of these extra steps?



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I heard turbo snails are like bulldozers and knock everything down? Is this some bad type of byopsis or is it just standard algae? I like the idea of peroxide, not sure i have enough for a 50/50. Could i do this, use some tank water from a change and mix it 4-1 saltwateriperoxide, leave it in for lets say 5 minutes, then move it to another bucket of tank water with a power head and leave it for a few days for the die off then move it back to the display tank or am i wasting my time doing all of these extra steps?



3 minutes. Rinse. place back in tank.


Turbos are turbos. They will mow every inch down. Get the smallest size you can find, so they have less "power". Reefs2Go shipped me monsters, I had a heart attack.


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I have 2 monsters but they don't seem to knock anything over if its glued down.


Thanks for the help, will try this weekend

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