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30 Gallon reef tank stocking ( Red Sea Max 130c)


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I just bought a Red Sea Max 130c for a complete bargain. Although the light system needs some attention rewiring to bypass circuit or a new timer other than that I got my tank for €180 (I am from Europe) that is $240 which an absolute bargain in my opinion. I may be making a tank build when I get all the stuff so I'll keep you posted. Other than that I need some suggestions on how to stock it. I had once a nano reef actually I think more like a micro reef 6 gallon cube which went an absolute disaster. I was only 12 years old and 6 years passed and ever since then I have been researching on how to keep marine fish and continuously read threads from all web pages and hopefully I am ready to have this tank thriving.

The fish I like most are the Dwarf Flame Angelfish (I know that it can nip on corals but I'll think I will take the risk), Clownfish pair, a Mandarin Fish (I am still thinking about this although I will be adding an additional 7 gallon refugium) and maybe some Bangaii cardinal fish or a school of chromis (3 -4)

Lets say in total of 8 - 9 fish. I know I am be pushing it but I am ready to make 25% water changes a week.

I need your Suggestions since I saw on You-Tube of the same tank which hosted 2 beautiful Tangs (I hope they were temporary).

Thanks and I hope I hear from you soon,

David a.k.a. Asred9


I just bought a Red Sea Max 130c for a complete bargain. Although the light system needs some attention rewiring to bypass circuit or a new timer other than that I got my tank for €180 (I am from Europe) that is $240 which an absolute bargain in my opinion. I may be making a tank build when I get all the stuff so I'll keep you posted. Other than that I need some suggestions on how to stock it. I had once a nano reef actually I think more like a micro reef 6 gallon cube which went an absolute disaster. I was only 12 years old and 6 years passed and ever since then I have been researching on how to keep marine fish and continuously read threads from all web pages and hopefully I am ready to have this tank thriving.

The fish I like most are the Dwarf Flame Angelfish (I know that it can nip on corals but I'll think I will take the risk), Clownfish pair, a Mandarin Fish (I am still thinking about this although I will be adding an additional 7 gallon refugium) and maybe some Bangaii cardinal fish or a school of chromis (3 -4)

Lets say in total of 8 - 9 fish. I know I am be pushing it but I am ready to make 25% water changes a week.

I need your Suggestions since I saw on You-Tube of the same tank which hosted 2 beautiful Tangs (I hope they were temporary).

Thanks and I hope I hear from you soon,

David a.k.a. Asred9


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8-9 fish is too many, in my opinion. And not just heavy bioload, but space wise. I've got a standard 30 gallon and there's no way I would put that many fish in it. The way I see it, we keep reef tanks to have a piece of the ocean in our homes to enjoy the serenity. Stressed out fish with no room pretty much defeats the purpose- at least for me.


A 30 gallon is too small for a proper school of chromis. They get relatively large and pretty aggresive- keep in mind, these are damsels. If you're wanting a schooling affect, look into threadfins. Smaller and more docile. Maybe 3-4 of those.


You could definitely keep a flame angel, a pair of clowns, a single bangaii, and a single chromis. 5 fish for me would be the limit. I've got four fish in my tank at the moment, each occupying different levels of the tank so they have their own territory.

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Thanks my friend. I was thinking of having the following a flame angel, a pair of clowns, a single bangaii and pistol shrimp and goby pair. They will be slowly introduced overtime. And also I may include some nice inverts as a cuc such as shrimps and starfish. Will those push the bioload?

Thanks David

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Pair of Ocellaris Clownfish

1 Six Line Wrasse

1 Bangaii Cardinal

A pistol shrimp and goby pair

and a Longnose Hawkfish (I know that it may eat smaller fish or shrimp that is why I would consider adding it the last.

Other than that amount of fish come in total of 6 (excluding the inverts). So all suggestions are appreciated and taken into consideration :)

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That probably would be better. I have a 36g tank with 5 fish and they are fine. Try to aquascape it to meet the needs of the fish you choose. Tall 30g do present a challenge when designing your rock work because they are so high. I have a 30g XH for my seahorse tank. You want to make sure you get flow all through the tank and don't have dead spots and that you have surface agitation at the top to release gases.

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I have a 30 gallon long, I have decided to stock it only with small fish under 2" Max size, I like gobies so should be easy. I'm still not sure I would try 8-9 fish though, there would not be enough territories to go around.

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Thanks my friend. I was thinking of having the following a flame angel, a pair of clowns, a single bangaii and pistol shrimp and goby pair. They will be slowly introduced overtime. And also I may include some nice inverts as a cuc such as shrimps and starfish. Will those push the bioload?

Thanks David


I don't think inverts really add to a aquariums bioload, and help more so than anything. Urchins are cool.. starfish, cleaner shrimp.


I would be wary of the six line. They are cool as hell, neat personalities, and very fun to watch- but can be little tyrants. My female clown and six line were constantly going at it. One morning I found my six line dried up on the ground near the tank. I think my female clown pushed him...


But the list you have now is WAY better. Go for it.

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