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anyone else have trouble keeping xenia


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I have a 28g NC with a nano box retrofit LEDs. Everything is doing great leathers, zoas, mushrooms, rics, and LPS but this is my 2nd time trying to keep Xenia it seems to do ok for like a week or 2 then they start shrinking and melting away.


Anybody else have this issue? Is there something I should be checking for?

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I find that my xenia doesnt really like LED's as much.

Where did you put the xenia in your tank?


I have LED's in my tank but i put them in direct light and moderate flow and their doing "pretty" good with LED lights.

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The first one i had it mid-low level with moderate non direct flow and the second one I tried on the sand bed with low flow.

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How warm is your tank? What media are you using for filtration? I found that my xenia hate temps over 80, they hate purigen, they hate any fraction of hydrogen peroxide that enters the tank... For being so hardy and damn hard to get rid of, I sure am having trouble keeping the stuff. They don't die but they get really unhappy and don't grow much, all tucked in, barely pulsing, super tiny.

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Tank stays between 78-79, I run chemi pure elite for media and my 24/7 lit cheato, I have never put hydrogen peroxide in my tank and I don't dose I just do weekly water changes.

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What's your salinity level set at? I find that at lower salinity (around 1.020), it seems to close up. Adding more salt seems to help a lot!

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puting xenia in my tank has been the single biggest mistake i have made.


Do you run carbon? I don't but i skim heavy and i think and am going to try using carbon to try and slow its growth. Some have postulated that xenia likes DOC and thrives in tanks with higher levels.

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I have a Pom Pom Xenia and it is at the bottom of my tank in a fairly low flow area. Seems happy - would probably be even happier if my YWG would quit resting on it.

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Getting pusling xenia was the biggest mistake ever! But, it does fantastic in my tank.....I have LED's and the xenia is growing all over the tank. in indirect light, and strong turbulent flow. It grows like mad in the corners of my tank, it doesn't like to be directley under the lights, so I would try an area where it wouldn't get blasted by your LED's, and maybe try a spot that gets pretty good flow. My xenia likes to get beat up by the flow......if you ever need more, let me know. I will sell it for free, as long as you pay for the shipping.

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It grew well in my first tank but the only filtration in that tank was cheato.


I can't grow the stuff in the current tanks which run skimmers, carbon, and biolellets and it is a high nutrient tank. Definitely no lack of nitrate.

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Never had an issue with Xenia. I found it likes lots of light and nutrients, on average my Xenia would double in size every few weeks. Mine grew like wildfire, finally getting rid of the last of it this coming weekend. Off to the LFS it goes to make room for an SPS pillar.

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Mine did best near the top of the water but off-center of the light and just under the center of the flow from a WP-10 on low. They move around vigorously, not not excessive.



I have purigen and some filter floss in the media basket of my JBJ 28G.


Interestingly, the best growth periods were when there wasn't any pulsing.


It's pretty well contained on it's side of the tank, but it's jumped over to another rock, and might need some pruning..

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Don't worry, my Xenia melted away too but thinking back to it, I shouldnt have had poured freshwater ontop of it during water changes haha. I loved how it pulsed so i wanted to see it pulsing more, and it eventually got really pissed and melted away haha. Looking back now, I dont really regret it from hearing the horror stories from it being able to overtake a tank.

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