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Golden Dwarf moray eel

Dr.Brain Coral

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Dr.Brain Coral

I have been infatuated with eels for a long time and was wondering If a single dwarf golden could live in a 10 gallon. I have looked all over and people say they are extremely reclusive and since they are so small they have a small bio-load so would it work? I know they will eat other fish so no fish only the eel.

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I would say at the very least you would need a 30 gallon. They are small but are still eels. They are messy eaters and put a strain on the bioload. Plus a 12" fish really should not be in a 10 gallon.

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Agreed, still a cool fish, if you can setup a nice 30 gallon (With maybe softies/macro algae) it'd be neat. Plus it'd showcase the cryptic species.

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I had them in my JBJ 28 and size wise not a problem at all. Nutrient load wise they are very messy. They also need an extremely well sealed system. They can and will fit through anything wider than about 3/16". One of mine could freely move between the tank and the rear chamber of the nano cube and would even climb back up the 3 - 4" drop between the return chamber and the pump chamber.


I didn't find them particularly reclusive. They do spend a lot of time in the rocks, but almost always have their head poking out. They can smell extremely well also. As soon as any food hits the water, they're out almost instantly. Turkey baster or tongs and you can directly feed them.


I ended up selling them when I upgraded tanks, but the algae growth is proof in the pudding considering I was doing almost 50% WC per week.


Mine spent a lot of their time like this but in different holes all over the tank.



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i just bought one for my 55g. spends most its time hideing and refuses to eat anything but ghost shrimp. even then i donno if hes eatting them but i never see them left int he tank the next moring

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