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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Hitchhiker or baby Trochus Snail?


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So I only just found this little guy last night and was wondering if anyone knows if it's a hitchhiker snail, if so is it good or bad or is it a baby Trochus snail?


I've got two Trochus snails in my tank that I have had for 8 weeks now and they have been spawning a few times, atleast thats what I think they were doing since they had some white cloudy substance coming from them. But from what I've been reading it's usually a few months after spawning that you might get babies that's why I'm not sure since I only had them a couple months.


Any help would be awesome, Thanks.





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Agreed, Trochidae family, could be Trochus or Tectus. He looks like Tectus conus, but with reverse color patterns, I bet he is a Tectus sp. Not as good with Pacific Ocean snails. When conchology.be is back up, (under going maintenance and down as I type this), I bet the have it. Just search "Trochidae" and it should have both of those likely families as well as some other closely related ones. Either way, an herbivore and a good guy.

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Agreed, Trochidae family, could be Trochus or Tectus. He looks like Tectus conus, but with reverse color patterns, I bet he is a Tectus sp. Not as good with Pacific Ocean snails. When conchology.be is back up, (under going maintenance and down as I type this), I bet the have it. Just search "Trochidae" and it should have both of those likely families as well as some other closely related ones. Either way, an herbivore and a good guy.

Really sorry I'm late at replying. Thank you heaps, great to know it's a good little guy :) and will definately do a search on them, for a little one he sure can get around the tank fast

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