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Slice Of Paradise


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Beautiful tank!


I was thinking about getting a gyre and had the question about fitment. You have helped me a ton by doing your fitment. Are you running you gyre mostly at 10% or more? I just watched a ton of videos from tidal gardens and was thinking I was going to buy from them. They do a video on their packing and I was impressed. They are very transparent (at least in their videos)

Thanks! And glad I could help. I have mine running at 40% Pulse mode. 50% pushes the sand into mounds, and any percentage higher creates a sandstorm. That being said, 40% is -plenty- of flow :)


As far as Tidal Gardens, I would definitely recommend them after my experience. I would buy from them again for sure.

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Our tanks (30L) started out around the same time, but mine's been a bit more stagnant.


I received a test kit tonight (Ca,Magnesium, KH) so I wanted to see if I can get some SPS into my tank.


I just hate how the Cyano in my tank hasn't gone away yet. TDS is 0, Running GFO, Chemi Pure Blue, and after 2 days blackout, I cleaned out the Cyano on my sandbed but it's still there on the rocks, which is growing. Nitrates and PO4 read close to 0, so the Cyano must be using that, AND I guess my rocks are leeching it. I do a 4 gallon change (which is about 15%) either 1 or 2x a week.



Oh, but I may wanna switch to the Gyre (using two pumps at the moment, Jebaro RW-4 and WP10). Maybe that will help too? :P



-edit- My skimmer is just plain mediocre/bad. The PLS-50 Elite. It constantly overflows water into it, even when I set it low, and never gives me good skim. The Tunze has been adequate for you?

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Our tanks (30L) started out around the same time, but mine's been a bit more stagnant.


I received a test kit tonight (Ca,Magnesium, KH) so I wanted to see if I can get some SPS into my tank.


I just hate how the Cyano in my tank hasn't gone away yet. TDS is 0, Running GFO, Chemi Pure Blue, and after 2 days blackout, I cleaned out the Cyano on my sandbed but it's still there on the rocks, which is growing. Nitrates and PO4 read close to 0, so the Cyano must be using that, AND I guess my rocks are leeching it. I do a 4 gallon change (which is about 15%) either 1 or 2x a week.



Oh, but I may wanna switch to the Gyre (using two pumps at the moment, Jebaro RW-4 and WP10). Maybe that will help too? :P



-edit- My skimmer is just plain mediocre/bad. The PLS-50 Elite. It constantly overflows water into it, even when I set it low, and never gives me good skim. The Tunze has been adequate for you?

Hey I have this same tank and skimmer setup. What level is your skimmer at? My skimmer is working great now that I have it at the proper height, Needs to stick out of the 30 like a smokestack. looks funky but it is now working great.

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Hey I have this same tank and skimmer setup. What level is your skimmer at? My skimmer is working great now that I have it at the proper height, Needs to stick out of the 30 like a smokestack. looks funky but it is now working great.


I BELIEVE I have it set as high off the tank as the mounting brace allows.


I'll disconnect it tonight and try to get it higher if possible

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if your interested, tidal gardens has a youtube and in one of their videos they show how they pack frags.

Thanks, I actually watched some of their videos.


I just hate how the Cyano in my tank hasn't gone away yet. TDS is 0, Running GFO, Chemi Pure Blue, and after 2 days blackout, I cleaned out the Cyano on my sandbed but it's still there on the rocks, which is growing. Nitrates and PO4 read close to 0, so the Cyano must be using that, AND I guess my rocks are leeching it. I do a 4 gallon change (which is about 15%) either 1 or 2x a week.



Oh, but I may wanna switch to the Gyre (using two pumps at the moment, Jebaro RW-4 and WP10). Maybe that will help too? :P



-edit- My skimmer is just plain mediocre/bad. The PLS-50 Elite. It constantly overflows water into it, even when I set it low, and never gives me good skim. The Tunze has been adequate for you?

Hm, you're doing everything I'm doing then to fight it. Actually, I'm not even running GFO because I can't figure out how to without it pushing GFO into my tank. Maybe it's your rocks? I know my dry rock was leaching like crazy which is why I removed it.


As far as the Tunze, it's working great for me. It was pulling green within 24 hours. I almost got the PLS50 but I friend told me to avoid it at all costs.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes actually, life's kept me busy but I do have updates.


After removing that dry rock my never ending undying algae takeover almost completely went away over night. Although I have some algae, it's just a small, normal amount. I'm super glad I decided to ditch the dry rock.


My four fish have gotten along nicely and there are no aggressive issues between them. Even feeding time is pretty relaxed which made me happy given the fact that I added the three after the six-line wrasse.


Coral wise I haven't had the best of luck. The coral eating starfish I found and removed previously had apparently created babies (or had brothers and sisters I didn't know about). For weeks my birdsnests, birds of paradise, Stylophora, and pink pocollopora damicornis looked worse and worse. They evebtually looked as if their polyps were being ripped off in patches, exposing white skeleton. And I could not figure out why. About a month ago, during a nighttime feeding, I observed a few of those starfish wrapped around my pocollopora and stylophora! All this time they were slowly eating away at those colonies :( I subsequently removed those starfish and have yet to find any more. So far I have had no further issue with other corals being eating like this, so hopefully I got them all. Sadly those above mentioned corals were completely dead and were removed.


I also had an issue with my leptoseris which caused it to brown out and deteriorate. I subsequently have him to a friend in the hopes he can be revived.


That being said I have had positive growth in my candy canes, which have responded to regular feelings with the growth of additional heads :) And my acan colony (which is brown and orange) is growing new heads as well. The funniest part about that is that the new additions to the orange & brown acan colony are neon green instead of orange!


Also my Electric Green Acropora and Ultra Cyclops Acropora are surprisingly doing great! They have obvious growth and are growing over my live rock :)


Right now my plans are to invest in a doser (as I'm dosing by hand now). I'm leaning towards the Apex Dos since I have an Apex system, but who knows.

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Oh I also decided not to go bare bottom on the tank. I managed to get the gyre to deliver it's great flow without blowing my fine sand everywhere. Plus, the wife wanted the sand lol. I think I will try a bare bottom in the future, but just not right now.

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So I finally ordered a doser, I've been putting it off for a while even though I had the wife's approval lol. I ended up purchasing the Neptune Dos due to its compatibility with my Apex setup. It should arrive on Monday! I also plan to purchase some more corals this weekend, just gotta figure out what I want.

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  • 1 month later...

Apparently I did not get rid of all the bad starfish (I had such high hopes). I noticed one of these buggers on my rock late last night in a spot I just can not reach. Hopefully he'll move to a location I can reach, but for now I'll just keep an eye out on my corals. Speaking of which, I made another purchase with Tidal Gardens and just received the following: Crimson Montipora, Birds of Paradise, Green Pocillopora, Pink Pocillopora, Ice Fire Acropora echinata, Eagle Eye zoas, Pink birdsnest, and a Superman Montipora. I also finally purchased an Anemone (Green and White Flower anemone). The corals, as always, came packaged very well and looked great. There was an issue with the Pink Pocillopora frag, which was taken care of by Than in a matter of mintues- great customer service!


I have to say of all the corals I just received, the green pocillopora was surprisingly my favorite. It is a deep, forest green that I just was not expecting. And of course, my favorite item received from this purchase was the anemone. I can't believe I waited so long to bring one home, this guy is gorgeous!


I'll have pictures up soon, I have to wait for the wife to wield her DSLR magic.But all in all the tank is putting along just fine.

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So I have been debating doing a restart on my tank for months now. I never really had the opportunity to aquascape my tank because the live rocks were plopped into my current tank due to the original 16 gallon breaking. Needless to say, I’m not in love with the ‘scape, and I’ve been pretty much putting up with it ever since the emergency ‘upgrade’. On top of this, these are the original live rocks from my very first tank, which have been through the pain that is a newb with a saltwater reef, and they have an assortment of bubble algae variations and GHA to prove it. However, I’ve finally made my decision to restart the tank moments ago after I pulled four coral eating starfish from my tank in a fit of rage. No, these weren’t happy Disney starfish hoping to reunite Nemo with his father, these were super villains of the coral eating verity. I’ve been battling them since January of this year when I first found them wrapped around my SPS eating them to the bone. And tonight I found them tightly wrapped around my new SPS frags, which were replacing the ones I lost to these suckers last month. I just can’t get rid of these aquatic ninjas.


But no more!


Essentially I will be starting this tank from scratch. My plan is as follows:

1. Pick out some dry rock for the given aquascape I want
2. Cure dry rock in its own container
3. Once dry rock is cured, remove my current liverocks, corals, and fish from the main tank and relocate them into a 20 gallon long spare tank I have lying around, essentially establishing a ‘temporary reef’ to keep my corals and fish alive while I cycle the main tank with the new dry rock.
4. Empty and clean the main tank completely. Then add new sand, cured dry rocks, and cycle the tank like normal.
5. Once the main tank is cycled, re-introduce fish and corals (which I will inspect and dip the corals as if they were just purchased).

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Thank you :)


I started thinking about the dry rock I'll use. Reef Cleaners has a lot of great reviews and the rock looks pretty darn good. And compared to BRS' reef saver rock its cheaper, even though I believe they're the same basic rock?

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So its official, the restart is happening :D Since I plan to start from scratch (even give some of my corals away) I've decided to start a fresh tank thread, which can be found here. I hope to keep in touch with ya'll over in the new thread :happydance:

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