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Flatworm treatment


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I posted this on my tank thread and thought it would be wise to post here as well.


Taking care of flat worms today in our 24 gallon IM tank. We siphoned at least 150 out before adding the FWE. (Snails started dropping immediately. Grabbed a bunch the snails and put them in bucket of mixed water we had standing by for the water change. Quite a few snails bounced right back within 5 minutes and were hanging on the side of the bucket.) Added carbon to the media basket and siphoned at least another 100 flat worms out and did a water change. After that I think we only saw 5 or so flat worms floating around and got them out and did another water change about an hour after the first one. We plan on doing one more water change tomorrow evening and then pulling the carbon and replacing it with purigen and CBE. Does any one recommend running the carbon longer or does that sound about right?

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When I used FWE on our big tank, I typically ran the carbon for 12-24 hrs, then did a big old water change. I'm not sure if that's more or less effective at anything, though. I've run FWE on our big tank twice, and while I definitely knocks the population down a significant amount, I can never fully get rid of the annoying little creatures....

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