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Problem with Algae Bloom


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Hello All,


Sorry I don't have a photo of the offending algae, but I think you can visualize it.


I went on vacation and had a friend watch my tank. Water params were fine. I plunked in some carbon and phosphate absorbing resin, just to be safe.


When I came back, the whole tank was invaded by an algae that looks like "Hair Algae". The only difference is that it doesn't seem to attach to rocks. It is Brownish Green. Sort of the same color as your typical dinoflagelate bloom, and it is much longer than the Hair Algae we all know and love. Some bits are about 6-8 inches long. Very thin and whispy like your usual dark-olive green hair algae.


I've done two 15% water changes, and have been manually removing the stuff, but it is choking my SPS collection. It's choking up my powerheads. IT IS HELL. I've harvested some chaeto, which seems to be growing fairly rapidly as well. I've also replaced my RODI cartrages. I've also noticed that it doesn't like my Phoenix bulb as much as my LED pendant. I've also ordered a replacement for the LED. I think it may like its color temperature more than my 14k MH.





Thanks in advance.





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