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Antennata Lionfish & Percula clown together?


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I see the max size on this lion is 7 inches which doesn't seem too big for how big some of the other lions get, so I was thinking if it was with a full grown percula or a small lion with a mid-bigger size percula clownfish in the same tank they would be fine, has anyone tried having these 2 together as tank mates?

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Unless said Percula is way bigger than the Lionfish...its on the menu! If not today it will be in the not too terribly distant future. Don't let their dainty size fool you, you would be surprised at how large a meal they can and if given the opportunity, will engulf.

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I see, so a full grown percula with a full grown antennata would be a no go? Or is there any possibility I would be able to get away with it?

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If that Percula doesn't stay significantly larger than that Lionfish, its on the menu eventually Bro'!


Anything is possible, but its very unlikely such an arrangement will last very long or end well for the "home team". These fish do much better in a aggressive tank with things like Groupers or Species only tank. They can sometimes do well with various Trigger Fish although they will sometimes nip at the fins on them which kind of messes up the appeal to a Lionfish in your tank.


If it were me I wouldn't even attempt that combination...

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Just about all lions can consume something almost the same size as they are (in fact they'll sometimes try eating something larger than they are and can possibly kill themselves in the process). Anything that might possibly fit in it's mouth will be fair game.

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Really depends on the sizes of the fish, but a full grown antennata will most likely eat the perc. I've kept my 4" antennata with 1.5" clowns without any problems but I also feed small foods so it doesn't get use to eating the larger prey. On the flipside I added a 4" fuzzy dwarf lion that quickly ate the clowns in a few days. You'd probably have the best luck getting as small of a lion that you can find and a larger clown.

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Damn, well it should be fine with a full grown flame angel and a blue tang that's close to its size though right?

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