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Flame angel in a 5?


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I am looking for a single fish for my 5 gal. nano, can I have a flame angel or is this pushing the limits? I'm not familiar with this fish beyond pictures and would like some input from those with experience...

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I have no experience with them but i believe that you CANT do it because it needs more swimming space.

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That's why I asked. If I had any experience with them, I WOULDN'T HAVE ASKED!! I thought that was what this forum was for, to educate each other.


So am I to assume by your post that it is a bad idea as you didn't actually answer my question?

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Originally posted by corey0613

are you serious?? i hope this is a joke!


can you read?


And superdave, no, even a 20 gallon tank would be pushing the limits of those fish. I researched all about them for a while. Most sources recommended at least 30 gallons for them.

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Thank you surf for the info and yes I can read. I just find it much more helpful when people reply with information, details, facts, etc., instead of rips.

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Originally posted by Superdave

Thank you surf for the info and yes I can read.  I just find it much more helpful when people reply with information, details, facts, etc., instead of rips.


I wasn't asking YOU if you could read ;)


It was directed at the smartass who couldn't grasp the fact that maybe somone was asking a serious question. You admited you knew nothing about them in your initial post. That is why I quoted his reply, then addressed your name and the answer to your question.

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Thanks kraphtymac...do you mind if I ask how much you paid for your tank and where you purchased it? A ballpark figure is fine.

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From my research that fish requires a much larger tank.

It reaches about 4 inches in length, which seems fairly big for a 5 gallon, and the recommended minimum tank size for them is about 30 gallons.

I'd say if you plan on upgrading, just get a small specimen of a slower growing small species fish if you absolutely HAVE to have a fish in there. But keeping it just as a reef would be cool too until you get more room. I've never had anything smaller than a ten gallon nano...so I never really looked into other options.

A small damsel perhaps like a neon damsel (Allen's Damsel), they still recommend 30 gallons, but seeing that it only reaches 2.5 inches and most damsels pick territories, you may be okay for a little while. Maybe a small blue damsel...who knows. Either way it's up to you obviously...as long as you keep up with your water conditions. Meh...what do I know. But personaly I'd merely use it as a frag tank....

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thanks for your input PetC. I had a yellow-tailed blue damsel from another tank I sold back to my LFS when I broke down that tank because I was moving. The reason I ddin't put him in my 5 was because he was always stirring up the sand with his tail fin in his tank. An ex-girlfriend had the same type damsel and it would move remarkable amounts of sand all over the tank.


I thought that the sand bed should be relatively undisturbed.

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Flame angel gets much too large for a five. Cherub angel is the smallest but would still be pushing the limits. A small dottyback (Springer's) would be perfect, as they can live out their entire lifespan in a 5. Hope that helps.

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oldtimer, thanks a bunch!


I used to have a dottyback, it was half bright pink/ purple and half yellow, very cool fish. I will have to look into the Springer type, I have not heard of it until now.

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Springer's dottyback is available tank raised. It is jet black with neon blue stripes on it's head. Only grows to 1.6 inches. Constantly active swimming through the rocks.

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Maube you should look into a firefish instead of an angel. I just added a firefish into my mini bow 7 yesterday. I had a 2.5 gal nano and wanted to keep fish so i upgraded to a 7gal. There are fish out there to keep in a small tank; angel and tangs are not for small tanks. I would look into firefish, or damsels. Liveaquaria.com is a great place to look though fish and what they need. Hope this helps, and piss on the Aholes that are here just to make fun of the newbies. We were all new to this hobby at one time. Also, maybe you could look into getting a shrimp for that tank. Hope this helps you some.

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Bravo bravoreefer!


You, along with the last few posters are the kind of people I was hoping to reach. I appreciate your info. I have been doing some research and have come up with a list of fish/gobies that I will post for ya'll to puruse and review.


I plan on getting a shrimp as well. I was thinking about one of those cleaner shrimps. I know a bunch of people have them and I like to have less common stuff if possible, but I think they are pretty cool.

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JMO, I have a 5 gallon and can't really imagine any fish in there, seems like it might be too cramped. I have a Coral Banded Shrimp and I recomend him highly, very entertaining. Good luck!

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ODOG. I have thought that at times. I really do want everyone's opinion, not just the ones that suggest cool fish to buy. Thanks.

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I have a green Chromis in my 5 gallon and he's doing fine. Eventually he'll probably go into my 55 gallon tank when he gets bigger but for now I see no reason to move him since he appears really healthy. Also, I only have about 5 lbs of live rock in the 5 gallon nano so that gives him extra swimming room. He's a really active fish that explores every bit of the tank and he never hides behind rocks. As soon as I approach the tank he's up against the glass waiting to be fed.


I don't see a problem keeping certain fish in a nano that are considered unacceptable as long as you have a larger tank they can be moved to eventually.

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