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3 Gallon Community Reef - dingusplease


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Hi everyone! I have maintained FW tanks for years, but I made the jump to reefing in November 2013.

I currently have a 3 gallon pico reef, which is thriving! I really enjoy this hobby, and especially love tiny reefs!


I welcome any comments or suggestions :)


My current stock in the pico as of 4/1:


2 Pulsing xenia frags

1 4-inch neon green toadstool

1 purple xenia frag

~20 polyps of Anthelia, all about 6 inches tall

1 green star polyp colony

1 rhodactis mushroom

1 unidentified green mushroom

1 blue discosoma

2 green zoanthid frags

1 red zoanthid frag

1 purple death paly frag

1 toucan zoanthid frag

1 neon green toadstool

1 Kenya tree

1 brown paly colony

1 small hammer w/ two heads

1 large hammer stalk, about 2.5" wide

1 green clown goby

1 skunk cleaner shrimp

3 nerite snails

1 blue leg hermit

1 red leg hermit

1 ball of chaeto macroalgae in my fuge


Lost of current equipment as of 4/1:


JBJ Picotope tank

3 JBJ 9w 50/50 light fixtures (One of them is on the fuge)

Generic 48 led clip-on moonlight

Azoo 180 powerhead

Generic fountain pump (108 GPH)

Generic fountain pump - in fuge (156 GPH, dialed down to about 50gph)

2 auto light timers -set for reverse photoperiod for fuge

DIY ATO with air pump

Marina HOB breeder box - as fuge

HOB jbj pico power-filter - modded to allow in an airstone

Terra whisper 10i air pump - for aeration in modded powerfilter

Tetra whisper 20i air pump - for fuge intake

Coralife digital thermometer

DIY black construction paper - background


P.S. This fts was taken a couple days ago, so you can't see the huge (relatively ;) ) toadstool, Anthelia, or discosoma.I'll upload a new fts tonight!


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very nice


there arent many picos using power compacts anymore at all, thats rare nice going. mines on pc as well, everyone else is LED

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it looks very nice! ive always like those picotopes.


my first half gallon pico was powered by that picotope stock light and i got great growth on lots of things. but when i moved into sps i needed more power for the colors i wanted to see and thus arrived at LEDs.


always liked the crisp white pcs give tho

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Now that's a nice Pico! Have you thought about upgrading your lighting? I like how you used multiple stock lights to up the lighting. I'm still partial to PC lighting compared to LED.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to have missed your post! Getting ready for a diving trip at Puerto Rico, I'm really looking forward to coming face to face with saltwater fish and corals in their natural habitat.


FTS from a week ago:




Current FTS:




I'll post more details and updates tonight!

Also, I'll definitely check this thread more often, and thanks everyone for checking out this tank!

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This tank looks great... it's coming along nicely atm. I bet it's loads of fun to clean that front glass!!


Thank you! And yes, very fun to clean the front panel. The only problem is that I don't want to bother the corals (or hurt them) with the magnet, and there's not that much space to get around them. I have a nanomag, and I only wish I had bought it from the beginning... by the time I did get eon the side panels had gotten so much coralline I decided to just let it grow :)

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Thank you! And yes, very fun to clean the front panel. The only problem is that I don't want to bother the corals (or hurt them) with the magnet, and there's not that much space to get around them. I have a nanomag, and I only wish I had bought it from the beginning... by the time I did get eon the side panels had gotten so much coralline I decided to just let it grow :)


I have the same issue in my 2.5 gallon pico... just not enough room.

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