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Coral Vue Hydros

Shadow's Stingy Setup - Tank Shutdown.


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So...I received a free nano tank from my LFS, which included a free filter and light. The only thing that I had to get was a huge chunk of LR, and some extra salt.


The new nano tank is approx. 15" x 12" x 15", which roughly makes it almost 12G.


This was initially planned to be a minimalistic setup - running on filter floss + activated carbon, no skimming, barebottom etc. But I didn't like the look of such a bare tank, so I'm thinking of adding some zeolite sand by Azoo later. This tank will be a FOWLR only - the light isn't powerful enough to support even a shroom or zoa.




I made a crucial mistake though. I accidently flipped off the switch for the filter instead of the stand fan in the art room, and by morning, I had a massive die off from my new LR which included a lot of dead crabs, dead bristleworms and a thrashing eunicid worm that was split into two pieces.




Unfortunately it appears that there's a third piece of the worm that's missing, so I fear the worst. Nevertheless, eunicids are well-known to show up during feedings, so I'll probably snag whatever that's left of him once I start stocking the tank in a month or two.


The major LR piece is uncured, but the other two LR pieces are from my 30G display.


Stocking plans so far include either two fish from this list and 1 shrimp or 1 lobster:


Azure damsel

Yellow-Bellied Damsel

Allen's Damsel

Three-Stripe Damsel

Four-Stripe Damsel

Talbot's Damsel

Flaming Prawn Goby

Neon Goby

Bicolor Blenny

Segmented Sailfin Blenny



Cleaner Shrimp

Debelius Reef Lobster

Daumi Reef Lobster


No, I'm not throwing everything into the tank - don't be silly lol. I'm only choosing two fish from the list above and one fellow invert (excluding the usual CUC). Might even do a pom pom crab in there as well. :)


Let me know what you think. Any advice and guidance is appreciated.


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Sorry - no help with the fish - just - its a shame you can put in any corals...that's a really sweet 'scape you created :) And although you had some die off because of your mistake - it worked to your favor getting rid of most of that eunicid :) Nice!

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Personally i'd do a couple sexis, rock nem and a pair of neon gobies. =) PC's should be enough light for a rock nem.


Oh yes, I almost forgot about Sexy Shrimp! Guess I could do that instead of a CBS or lobster (since it is rather risky either way). Not sure if the light could support a rock nem - it's only 3.5W. I'm such a cheapo lol, but hey, it came free and as a set, so I can't really complain. ;)


Sorry - no help with the fish - just - its a shame you can put in any corals...that's a really sweet 'scape you created :) And although you had some die off because of your mistake - it worked to your favor getting rid of most of that eunicid :) Nice!


Perhaps in the far future I'll upgrade it to a reef tank. I'll have to upgrade my lights by then, and it's a bit difficult to find lights that will stretch over 15". I can try though. :D And thank you. Took me a while to fiddle around with the pieces I had. And yes, I guess it did work in my favor after all. Still hoping the third part will show up soon or die off during the cycle.

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Do a NPS system with sun corals/dendro/balano's. No light needed :)


Oh, I feel like such a derp. Completely forgot about NPS corals - thanks for the reminder. Once my LFS stocks some NPS, I'll probably grab a few. Sun corals especially look stunning. :)


Following shadow :)


Thanks Angel. :)

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JMO simple softies and macro algae could work very nicely! Incredible scape BTW!


Not sure if the light can support any sort of softie, but it can support macro growth. Ooh, I guess I could make this a heavily planted tank in the future. :D And thanks. :)

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Got my free CUC and macro from the beach at Port Dickson today. 'Twas awesome to collect all the cool critters.




Also added a layer of black jeweled sand since I didn't like the idea of running bare-bottom.



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Well, I found out that I not only have some red hair brush algae and feather caulerpa, but also have some Codium on hand as well. :D


In short, I'll do a quick parameter check and test my levels. If nitrates are peaking and ammonia/nitrite levels hit zero, I'll be doing a big water change and proceed towards planting my new macros. :D


As for stocking plans, I've decided to do a very small blenny species like a Clown Blenny and maybe a Scooter Blenny. And yes, I'll probably be drilling/sumping this little tank in the future. Either that, or invest in a HOB refugium as well as a backup.


I'm excited to see this take off in the months to come. :)

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Some quick updates:


I checked the parameters of the tank and was slightly surprised to find both ammonia and nitrites at zero and nitrates at 5ppm. With this, my tank is considered cycled, so I did a 90% water change and began macro planting. Nevertheless, I noticed that I already have an algae breakout, so I needed to put some CUC in. So to test the water, I placed a lone white hermit crab (collected from PD) in the tank to clean up some of the algae. Am going to put the rest of the crabs in there tomorrow.


In the meantime, here are some pics:


1. Lone white hermit crab busy scavenging for some algae on the LR.




2. Codium,




3. Feather Caulerpa.




4. Red Titan, Caulerpa and some Red Brush Hair algae.




5. Ball of Chaeto.




6. Lone white hermit crab decides to explore the rockwork. ;)




7. Some brown sea sponges, which came loaded with pods and a bit of pencil brush algae.




8. I also picked up a Lettuce Nudibranch from my LFS to get rid of the algae growing on the LR. Named this chubby little guy Fredrick, or Fred for short.




9. I was also given some free empty urchin shells. Decided to use them as a deco piece for the tank since they looked so cool.




10. Guess who's finally on top of things?




11. FTS on 2/12/2013.




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Just tested my water again - parameters are looking exceptionally well with ammonia and nitrites at zero and nitrates at 2ppm. I just transferred the rest of my white hermit crab army into the tank.


So for CUC, I have:


1 Lettuce Nudibranch

17 White Hermit Crabs


Planned additions:


1 Small Cleaner Shrimp

1 Tuxedo Urchin (maybe - I already have the nudi, so I don't think I'll get this fellow anytime soon)

1 Flaming Prawn Goby




1 Neon Goby




1 Clown Blenny




1 Firefish




1 of the above + 1 Scooter Dragonet.


Please feel free to comment on my stocking plans. I'm going to get some more macroalgae and heavily plant this setup, and preferably make it a peaceful tank. I also don't want to get a second fish that will compete with the Scooter.

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Have fun finding a Flaming Prawn, they are at least $80 USD, usually $100 USD, and get around 1-1.25 inches max, you'll rarely see it, you get the idea lol. Probably best for a smaller nano/pico with only one goby or no other fish with it.

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Have fun finding a Flaming Prawn, they are at least $80 USD, usually $100 USD, and get around 1-1.25 inches max, you'll rarely see it, you get the idea lol. Probably best for a smaller nano/pico with only one goby or no other fish with it.


Dangnabit. Why is it that all the cool nano stuff are either ridiculously priced or incredibly difficult to find? Guess I'll end up doing a Hi-Fin Goby/Shrimp pair in place of the flaming prawn. And although they're difficult to find, my reefing mentor wanted to import one through Singapore for me. And it'll cost around RM 60, which is expensive for me, but approximately U$D18 once converted. :P


Even yashas go for the same price over here. :D

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Just a quick update - I've added more pod-loaded sponges as well as a calcerous type of macro (not sure what's it called) to the display. Caulerpa is growing fairly quickly, and there's tons of pods in the tank, so I'm quite happy. I think I should be ready for my first fish quite soon. I'm thinking of either sumping this tank or connecting it to the fuge of my 30G. Either way, this will most likely function as a display fuge for my bigger tank in the future.


As for stocking plans, I'm only going to do 2 small fish. Probably a -le gasp!- dragonet and a clown blenny. The dragonet won't be placed in the tank anytime soon, at least, not until the macros grow and fill out the tank, which could take several months. Clown blenny will be added once it's in stock at my LFS. :)


I'll also most probably add a blue legged hermit crab as an additional CUC reinforcement. Presently I have 22 dwarf white hermits in the tank, and other than occasionally toting my macro around, they don't do much. :(

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This is probably going to sound stupid, but I just had to ask. I'm preparing the tank to host a trained mandy in the upcoming weeks/months. I was wondering if they (mandys) eat live Grindal worms/microworms - the kind of worm that people usually feed betta fry. I can get some from a different state and start up my own culture as a backup.


I find it personally more nutritious and safer to use than live Tubifex worms. I heard stories of some people feeding their Mandys mosquito larvaes as well - does this work? (although I won't be cultivating mosquito larvae since I'll have the Health and Safety officers tearing down my door then)


But these are backup plans, in case the Mandy forgets its training due to the new environment.


On a more happier note, tank is doing well and the caulerpa is growing quite quick so I'm pleased. :)

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I have some good-bad news, the way you look at it. I was out getting my post-surgery wound dressed and my dad had just arrived home from the autoshop (someone hit my car) and my reefing mentor dropped by and gave my dad the mandy. Dad being dad, accepted it and put it in a bowl whilst waiting for me to return. Apparently it's an early birthday present, and now I'm doomed. :furious:


The only thing that's been growing wildly fast in my tank is the caulerpa, and even though I have a pod explosion, I don't think I'm near anywhere ready to host a dragonet. Good news is that my father warned me while I was in the clinic. So I managed to get some live Tubifex worms on the way back.


The bad news is that I tried to feed the little guy a mixture of frozen brine, frozen Tubifex, frozen bloodworms, frozen Mysis and some pellets, but other than nibbling on the Tubifex and Brine, he didn't touch the rest of it (yup, someone IS going to get thwacked). The good news is that I tried live Tubifex worms and he seemed quite pleased to nibble on it. :wacko:


I drip-acclimated him to the 12G, and he's right now busy exploring every corner of the tank. I'm picking up some BBS and hatching them after this. It'll take a few days, but I figured Michael (it's a male spotted mandy) will be okay for a few days.


Should I try to catch my Sixline from my 30 G and swap it with the Mandy? Or should I temporarily keep hatching BBS until I can completely wean the Mandy onto frozen? :haha:


He's quite chubby, so he must have an appetite...for something. I just wish people/karma/the universe/God stops dumping to many things on my lap today. I mean really, I'm freaking out a little. Seriously considering checking myself into a hospital now. Hmm. :tears:

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I'm thinking of mimicking the CPR Aquafuge HOB refugium by using a large HOB breeder box. I was initially planning on sumping the tank, but cost-wise, it's going to get very expensive, and the glass is thin so the tank might crack quite easily. Thoughts?


I'll transfer some Caulerpa, Codium, crushed LR and Chaeto into the fuge to create a microhabitat of sorts. Also might use the fuge to host a trio of Sexy shrimp.

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I would try diy hob fuge solution out of acrylic. Well, there are few ways to go about it if integry of the glass concerns you.

1. Make hob box shallow and as wide as you want it. That will minimize pressure on the back glass. Oc you must keep it perfectly level as well so the weight is equally distributed.

2. Build the fudge as high as the tank so it sits right behind it without any need to hang it of the back. This will give you depth and you could make it more narrow.

Cost should not exceed $50 including return pump, acrylic, liquid weld and plumbing






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