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point and shoot under$100?


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I searched but didnt find any answers. Any good point and shoot cameras for under $100 that will let me zoom in nicely on coral and actually get clean, clear pictures? My phone doesnt do to bad in my opinion but I can get close ups of zoas or mushrooms very clearly.


I know $100 is cheap but I used to have a L110 Nikon that I used specifically for close up photos in the RC hobby and it did great and was just over $120 a few years ago, but Im not sure if it would be good through water.


Im not opposed to used either. I just wanna be able to get detail on close up shots of small stuff like zoas.

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IDK, there are a number of cameras for $100 or less: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchpage.jsp?&id=pcat17071&type=page&ks=960&st=Point_and_Shoot_Offer_108793&sc=Global&cp=1&sp=-bestsellingsort+skuid&qp=q506f696e745f616e645f53686f6f745f4f666665725f313038373933~~cabcat0400000%23%232%23%233s~~cabcat0401000%23%231%23%233m~~cabcat0401001%23%237%23%233m~~f1269%7C%7C34206f72206d6f7265207374617273~~nf772%7C%7C243530202d202439392e3939&list=y&usc=All+Categories&nrp=15


Used might get you more for your money; but like computers, new tech sometimes makes up for it. You want something better than what your smartphone can do (which typically isn't bad, but usually lacks white balance adjustments and optical zoom). I think you can still get a Canon SX160 IS at Target for just a little more than your budget (it's not a bad low end P&S).


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Thanks much seabass. Looks like a nice camera. Dont see a close up shooting option?


Looks like pretty good video to me too in this vid on youtube. thats one huge lack my phone has is quality video.


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From their website's specifications tab:

  • Focusing Range
  • Normal/Auto: 0.4 in. (1 cm) - infinity (W), 2.0 ft. (60 cm) - infinity (T)
  • Macro AF: 0.4 in. 1.6 ft. (1-50 cm) (W)
So it looks like it will focus as close as 1cm without the zoom and as close as 2' with the full 16x zoom. I'm guessing that should give you close enough pics throughout any tank.


It also looks to have decent manual controls, so i suspect you should be able to get some decent shots. Seems like an alright camera; but keep in mind, this is their entry level model.


Some other low end cameras are just toys and not much better than a smartphone. Although I really didn't look through that list of $100 cameras from Best Buy. It's possible that it contains some acceptable choices.


I just bought a Canon camera this week; so i've been looking in stores and on Canon's site. I went with their high end point and shoot (the S120); but for the money, the SX160 IS doesn't look that bad.

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Besides size and zoom, they are very similar. If zoom is important, it could be worth it. However, for shooting tank pics, I don't know that it will give you much more value.


Here are some refurbished cameras that you might consider: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?Ns=p_PRICE_2|0&ci=18976&N=4112501920&srtclk=sort


If you are open to spending a little more, they have a refurbished Canon S100 for $199.95. I just purchased Canon's S120 (which isn't dramatically different than the S100). It's got a larger sensor than the other two you've been looking at. It's a two year old model, but it's still relevant. Check out the reviews: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canons100/ It's a truly pocketable camera that you could take on vacations, out with friends, or whatever. Note, it's a 5x zoom (less than both the other cameras mentioned before), and I imagine you'd still need to purchase a memory card for it (like you would for most cameras). If you keep going down the list there's one with an accessory kit (which includes a case and small memory card).

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Standing in front of an aquarium you probably dont use that much zoom really do you, not even on close ups of zoas or something since your so close anyways?

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Any thoughts on a Nikon p90? I see them for over $500 new but just over $100 used? Seems odd. I have a guy wanting to trade my one with memory card and case for a bike I have on craigslist for $350.

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Any thoughts on a Nikon p90? I see them for over $500 new but just over $100 used? Seems odd.

List price was $399 in 2009. Prices for discontinued new cameras are sometimes really high (it has nothing to do with how good they are or what the market value should be, just a very limited supply). $100 for a used P90 sounds about right. However, it doesn't really excite me; it's kind of big and the reviews aren't stellar. I think I'd rather have a Canon SX160 IS. You can even get a Canon SX150 IS from B&H, ($110 used) or from Amazon ($119 new).


I know you listed $100 as a sweet spot, but it seems like there might be a little leeway there. From what I've looked at for this thread (a P&S from about $100 to about $200), I like the:

  • Canon SX150 IS (used from B&H, condition 9) $110*
  • Canon SX150 IS (new from Amazon) $119 - free shipping for Amazon Prime members
  • Canon SX160 IS (new from local Target store) $140 - clearance item, may not be available
  • Canon SX160 IS (new from B&H) $146
  • Canon SX160 IS (new from Amazon) $149 - free shipping for Amazon Prime members
  • Canon G9 (used from B&H, condition 8+) $170*
  • Canon G9 (used from B&H, condition 9) $190*
  • Canon S100 (refurbished from B&H) $200
  • Canon S100 with accessory kit (refurbished from B&H) $218
* Condition 9 shows signs of use, but very clean; condition 8+ shows moderate wear or finish marks


The G9 is larger than the S100, but has a 6x zoom versus a 5x zoom. Both have larger sensors than the SX150 and SX160 (and the other cameras you've been looking at). The G9 is a good camera that came out six years ago, while the S100 is only a couple of years old. I assume that they would take fairly similar photos (with the nod going to the S100, being a newer model).


I'm mostly familiar with the Canon lineup of point and shoots. However, there are a number of other used brands that B&H has listed below $200 (and even below $100). I haven't gone through the specs or reviews on them (and I'm hardly a camera expert).

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Thought Id update, ended up getting the p90, guy made the deal really worth it with some added items. Couldnt turn it down at that point. I'll hopefully like it and maybe just now have more time to keep saving for a real nice setup.

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