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Problems with Hanna Phosphate and Phosphorus checkers


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No. didn't try changing the battery. When I first contacted Hanna, their response was to get the 736 for better low-end reading. Some help that was. Still getting inconsistent results. Might try running a few tests with a new battery later.



No. didn't try changing the battery. When I first contacted Hanna, their response was to get the 736 for better low-end reading. Some help that was. Still getting inconsistent results. Might try running a few tests with a new battery later.


Didn't realize that you bought both. Do you have a reef friend or club or LFS that can confirm your results? Maybe let them run the test with your meter and see if they get consistent results. Sorry your having trouble... That sucks if you have a Hanna phosphate, phosphorous, and Salifert phosphate test kit and are having no luck.

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Hanna HI736 reagent Lot# H025, CONFIRMED DEFECTIVE.


From email sent to me this morning...








Our testing confirmed that on average lot # H025 is reading 24ppb higher than expected. This lot number of reagent is defective.



Best regards,


Rob Silva
Technical Service Rep


Phone: 401-765-7500 ext. 146
Fax: 401-765-7575

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Not yet, you may have noticed in the letter, no offer to replace my "defective" regent was made. I will give them a few days to realize that :)

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Not yet, you may have noticed in the letter, no offer to replace my "defective" regent was made. I will give them a few days to realize that :)

I did notice that. If they confirm that it is defective, they should at least compensate you with a new batch for your time. I wonder if there will be a general recall of the batch.

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I did notice that. If they confirm that it is defective, they should at least compensate you with a new batch for your time. I wonder if there will be a general recall of the batch.


That would be the right thing for Hanna to do at this point considering there are still Lot# of this reagent for sale and in use by many frustrated reefers trying to get their PO4 down.

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The response I got from Hanna said they hadn't had any reports of problems with lot 26 (not lot 25 as these other message) but the test results I got sounds like the reagents are bad and they are sending me replacements. Not sure how much they will send as I have two boxes of this lot number.

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The response I got from Hanna said they hadn't had any reports of problems with lot 26 (not lot 25 as these other message) but the test results I got sounds like the reagents are bad and they are sending me replacements. Not sure how much they will send as I have two boxes of this lot number.


No company will admit that they have a quality control issue with their products. Doesn't matter the company, it's always the same story, "This is the first we hear about this" or "We haven't had anyone else with this problem", and a dozen more responses. Take your pick.


I'm quite convinced all their reagents for the Hanna checker line are amiss. They have been from the beginning. I personally can't trust the results I get from this checker.

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No company will admit that they have a quality control issue with their products. Doesn't matter the company, it's always the same story, "This is the first we hear about this" or "We haven't had anyone else with this problem", and a dozen more responses. Take your pick.


I'm quite convinced all their reagents for the Hanna checker line are amiss. They have been from the beginning. I personally can't trust the results I get from this checker.

That sucks that you are having so many problems. I have cross checked my hannah phosphorus meter with a friends Salifert kit and they came out almost the same.

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That sucks that you are having so many problems. I have cross checked my hannah phosphorus meter with a friends Salifert kit and they came out almost the same.


I think you are using Lot# H030, correct?

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I think you are using Lot# H030, correct?

Ya. I just bought a new box to have extras on hand but forgot to check the batch #. I'll have to do that when I get home.

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Ya. I just bought a new box to have extras on hand but forgot to check the batch #. I'll have to do that when I get home.



lol.. good luck. :D

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I have lot H024. No issues.


Wow, I've never seen my Hanna checker match my Salifert test kit... In fact my Salifert test kit has always read 0.00 being completely clear and colorless.

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Update: Got the new reagents from Hanna, lot H034. Did several tests on plain RO/DI, some saltwater mixed from the RO/DI, and saltwater mixed from store bought distilled water. All the saltwater test showed phosphorous, but under 20 ppb. The one thing with all the tests though is the readings were consistent. Ran a couple tests on my tank and got 0.033 and 0.021 phosphate.


So it seems Hanna lost the reagent formula around lot H025 and got it back on H030. So when ordering, probably best to specify that it has to be lot H030 or newer.


Edit: Was a little disappointed that they only sent me one pack of 25 reagents when I had gone through 2 of these packs.

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How does a company like Hanna Instruments, fail to notify the public, specifically their customers that they have an entire Lot# of reagents circulating that are defective? My letter to the company has not seen a reply. No offer to replace my reagent, no effort to inform customers, nothing. I have officially lost all faith and respect for this company. They will no longer get my money.


Some Lot#'s seem to be good and others maybe not so. The entire Lot# H025 IS DEFECTIVE, so if your using it, contact Hanna Istruments RI.

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Some Lot#'s seem to be good and others maybe not so. The entire Lot# H025 IS DEFECTIVE, so if your using it, contact Hanna Istruments RI.


#H026 also appears bad but they just haven't admitted to it yet. I agree. Their failure to communicate the problem is inexcusable. I don't expect them to notify customers directly since they don't have the contact information unless you bought it directly from them. But I would expect a notice on the web site along with an offer to replace bad reagents with good. I don't think I will be buying any replacement reagents for the phosphorus tester as I have no guarantees as to what lot I will be getting. I'll probably keep using the alkalinity tester for now until I have a issue. But other than that, no more Hanna stuff for me.

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I just bought a new checker. Lot that came with it was odd. #H060: .11 and then 0.05 and then nothing but 0. I bought a new box at the same time, lot # H053 and I have yet to get > 0.00 from it.


The packets relly tick me off as well. This should come in a vial with a spoon for accuracy, not some damn fool packet.

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Either the scoop or make a liquid reagent like they have for the alkalinity test. I have been reading several forums concerning the reagents and how Hanna just doesn't serm to be listening.

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Lets make sure were talking about the same thing. HI736 marine phosphorus checker, Lot# H025.


Lot numbers differ for different checker's reagents.

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There were a couple of lot numbers thrown out in this thread. Is it just the HI736 marine phosphorus checker (Lot# H025) that has been verified as a problem? Obviously some people do have problems getting consistent results with other lots as well. It seems that people are embracing the problem with one lot and blaming all inconsistent results on it.


Sure I get some inconsistencies with my Phosphate Checker. However, I'm pretty sure that it's due to procedure issues (smudges on the vial, using different vials, bubbles in one of the samples, undissolved reagent, spilled reagent, other contaminants in the sample, etc), versus problems with the reagent lot or the Checker itself.


It's not a titration test, and there are more things that can affect the results. I'm hesitant to pile on Hanna. I'm relatively happy with my Phosphate Checker. I think Salifert and Red Sea have users that are dissatisfied with their phosphate tests too. IDK

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I started this thread because of the problems I was having with getting consistent results with both the HI713 and HI736 testers. After my first interaction with Hanna support with inconsistent results with the HI713, and the desire for better accuracy, I purchased the HI736.


During my initial use, I was seeing wildly varying results from day to day. 0 one day, then 70, 50, 20, 100. I was running ROWAphos in a reactor at the time so I didn't understand why I was getting such wild swings. I started running several tests at one point where I would get the same variation of readings from the same water sample. Results were so different, they could not be accounted for by the accuracy difference. Testing methods, maybe. But after a dozen tests over several days using the same methods, results were always all over the place. In my dealing with Hanna support, I ended up running 3 tests on plain RO/DI water that resulted in reading all over 20. I also ran tests with some store bought distilled water with the same results. Also, after mixing in the salt, still the wild swings. Support said it sounded like bad reagents and sent me more.


I had gone through 2 boxes (25 count) purchased at two separate times from two different sources. Both were lot H26. They sent me 1 box of 25 (Lot H34) and using the same testing methods, results started coming in with consistent results. Am I to believe that during the time they sent me the replacement reagents, my testing methods got more consistent? Or is it more likely the problem was a bad lot of reagents? The bottom line for me, and from several other people in various forums and on this thread, Hanna was having a problem with the reagents, failed give any notification about it, and still acts like they don't have a problem. There is nothing on their website the last I checked informing about the bad lots.

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Our testing confirmed that on average lot # H025 is reading 24ppb higher than expected. This lot number of reagent is defective.
Best regards,
Rob Silva
Technical Service Rep
Phone: 401-765-7500 ext. 146
Fax: 401-765-7575






NO Recall.




Any company that states in an email addressed to me that one of their products has been deemed "defective" and the company does not issue a recall on that product, offer to replace the product, or even say "sorry for all the trouble this might have caused me", is a company I do not want to do business with. If anyone else chooses to do business with a company that behaves in this manner, it is up to them. I only state the facts about Hanna Instruments and will go on record saying so, you can make up your own mind if this is a company you trust and wish to deal with, it's your money not mine :)

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I have to agree; that's not good customer service. For known defective lots: a website notification should be made, dealers should get their inventory replaced, and customers should (at the very least) be able to send in their unused reagent packets for new ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the latest from (via email from Hanna Canada) Hanna Instruments is that they are not saying that Lot# H025 (HI736) is defective anymore, now they say some might be defective and some might be okay. They are not issuing a RECALL because apparently there were some people who were satisfied with the LOT.


Seriously, I am done with Hanna 100%. I hate to hate or bash in this industry but man I have never seen such unprofessionalism from a company. How can I trust what this company is selling? Results vary with Lot# and that's okay with Hanna. Not with me.


Well, I said my piece, done!

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:) I hear you.

By satisfied, I assume they mean the customers that haven't bothered to call in, or have no other way to verify the results. They could simply test some packets in the lot. I'm sure that people would be willing to send them reagent packets of the lot in question (if they don't have any available) in exchange for new reagent packages.

IDK, it sounds awfully lame, but I'm still hoping that newer lots will be within specification. Maybe that's just pie in the sky thinking.

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