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The Nothing from the Ocean RSM 130 New pics pg10


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My local water company warned us that had aquariums or dialysis machines that RO/DI would NOT remove the chloramines, and cause problems. There is an add on for the RO/DI that will remove the chloramine.


I would investigate that before I dismiss it.



I did some research on it before I bought the rodi adm am aware of the chloramines. But before I do but anything I just want to make sure if it works. I couldn't find the add on anywhere, do you have a link or something? I could only find the whole units

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A little update....


my filter floss machine worked! for the most part at least.

-I have flat worms

-My fire and ice zoas sprouted a baby polyp!!!!!!

- I had the best dream! My dad got me a sump for my tank and gave me a skimmer from an old tank of his(which is weird because he's never had a fish tank)


My black ocellaris is doing this weird thing where it kind of wiggles, I can't think of another word. I guess it shakes its whole body for about a second then it goes on with swimming, any suggestions?


Lastly, for pumps I was thinking of the koralias but I'm really not sure. That's about my price range. I certainly can't afford an mp10, maybe a jebao wp25? I found it for $70 on fish-street.com. Suggestions are welcome


red gracilaria

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My black ocellaris is doing this weird thing where it kind of wiggles, I can't think of another word. I guess it shakes its whole body for about a second then it goes on with swimming, any suggestions?


I'm not sure what this is, but both of my Ocellaris clowns do it too. It's like their entire body vibrates violently for a second. Generally they do it when facing each other and it seems to be some type of dominance/submissive display. I wouldn't worry about it.

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Its them figuring out who will be female. The one doing the wiggle/vibrating thing is showing submission and will most likely become the male.

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I'm not sure what this is, but both of my Ocellaris clowns do it too. It's like their entire body vibrates violently for a second. Generally they do it when facing each other and it seems to be some type of dominance/submissive display. I wouldn't worry about it.

Its them figuring out who will be female. The one doing the wiggle/vibrating thing is showing submission and will most likely become the male.


The one that is wiggling is larger and seems to be nipping at the smaller one. I'm not sure if that's normal but I'm going to assume it is

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The one that is wiggling is larger and seems to be nipping at the smaller one. I'm not sure if that's normal but I'm going to assume it is


Usually the smaller one becomes the male, so you kinda have something different going on. Don't worry about it, they take their time to figure this stuff out.... just keep an eye on them to make sure that they aren't getting beat up too bad.

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Usually the smaller one becomes the male, so you kinda have something different going on. Don't worry about it, they take their time to figure this stuff out.... just keep an eye on them to make sure that they aren't getting beat up too bad.

That's what was confusing me...well I'll just have to see what haooens

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Honestly I would not worry about it at all. Clowns are pretty rough with each other when they are becoming a mated pair. As long as they both still appear healthy and are eating just let them sort it out. Dating is hard enough without having to figure out which one of you is going to change sex to make it work!

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Clowns are crazy...

True dat


Happy Halloween everybody!!! And now for some scary pictures...not scary actually it was just scary taking them. Stupid me thought it would be a good idea to hold my phone (no case or anything) an inch over the water line. Luckily I didn't drop it. Once though I put my phone in a plastic bag and plunged it into my tank to take photos, this was last year. End of story time now though..



Also does anyone know what the green zoas are? I just saw them and wanted them In The store





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Also does anyone know what the green zoas are? I just saw them and wanted them In The store.


A lot of zoas don't really have a "designer" name, and even if they do the individual color morph may not fit the bill to what you see being sold exactly. So identifying zoas is really difficult unless they were sold to you as some designer color morph and you remember the name. They look cool though!

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A lot of zoas don't really have a "designer" name, and even if they do the individual color morph may not fit the bill to what you see being sold exactly. So identifying zoas is really difficult unless they were sold to you as some designer color morph and you remember the name. They look cool though!

Thanks!! So I get to name them!!!??!!! I'll think of something, is green taken? Because they're pretty much just straight up green.

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I finally got my skimmer to finally produce some goodidh looking skim mate.i have a pic of it in a syringe.





And I've been pretty obsessed with the top down shot recently. I just think it's cool and what's a thread without a ton of pictures??







A little repeatative but just a little different







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I like the top down view.

I think it give a whole new perspective

Nice pics. Is that a Sunny D zoa? Love those.


Thanks and yeah it is. It keeps falling down, going to need to glue it

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update,


1. 2 new corals!!! Pics later but one is a reefgen acan and the other is a neon frogspawn

2. My mp10 is working like a charm!! Best purchase so far!!

3. I noticed my zoos extending their skirts but loosing color. So I was doing a little research and with a little help from a reliable lfs...I started feeding vita-chem. It hasn't even been a week yet so its pretty hard to tell how its doing.

4. I've started seeing some brown stringy algae. I'm not sure what it is yet but I'm working on it. I think it has to do with the containers I'm holding my water in, or my rodi. I thinkI also need to increase the flow. The algae is especially growing on my red macro algae(that i also dont know the name of). We'll see

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Quick update,


1. 2 new corals!!! Pics later but one is a reefgen acan and the other is a neon frogspawn

2. My mp10 is working like a charm!! Best purchase so far!!

3. I noticed my zoos extending their skirts but loosing color. So I was doing a little research and with a little help from a reliable lfs...I started feeding vita-chem. It hasn't even been a week yet so its pretty hard to tell how its doing.

4. I've started seeing some brown stringy algae. I'm not sure what it is yet but I'm working on it. I think it has to do with the containers I'm holding my wat er in, or my rodi. I thinkI also need to increase the flow. The algae is especially growing on my red macro algae(that i also dont know the name of). We'll see


The algae is probably a flow issue, crank that MP10 up! Clean out your storage and mixing containers, it's probably bacteria growing on the inside surfaces

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  • 3 weeks later...

The algae is probably a flow issue, crank that MP10 up! Clean out your storage and mixing containers, it's probably bacteria growing on the inside surfaces

The algae finally went away about a week ago. I think it was due to me just feeding too much

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Maybe too much feeding and lack of flow, least it's gone. MP10...nice pickup!

Definitely one or both of those. Gorgeous new clam btw!!!!!

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Why did you have skimmer juice in a syringe? Did you have some kind of diabolical plan, developing skimmer poison perhaps? The macro algae looks good. And with as much algae as you have I bet it was a flow issue.

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