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Coral Vue Hydros

Jgpicos noob photo thread


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I just recently acquired a dslr camera and have been playing with it a lot. I have taken some photos that I think are post worthy but I'm really looking for some advice or tips and tricks that might make them better. Thanks for looking and I hope to have more pics soon.




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last one is awesome man.

Thanks Jr. That is definitely my favorite photo that I've taken. My wife actually wants to blow it up and frame it.

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Thanks Jr. That is definitely my favorite photo that I've taken. My wife actually wants to blow it up and frame it.

it is awesome. i want to live there.

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the last one is so perfect it looks fake... haha well done!

Wow, thank you for the compliment. I'm scared that I won't be able to ever beat that photo lol.

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Great shots!


I'd like to see less noise, they're a bit grainy. I'm not much of a landscape person, but for the last one play with a slower shutter speed and maybe capture some of that water motion. ;)

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Great shots!


I'd like to see less noise, they're a bit grainy. I'm not much of a landscape person, but for the last one play with a slower shutter speed and maybe capture some of that water motion. ;)

Awesome, this is the kind of stuff I'm looking for. Thank you

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use some nd filters and a tripod to b able to slow ur shutter speed down to make the water look almost like clouds, ive been wanting to try this but am to lazy to go anywhere lol

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