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World's slowest custom 85g system. ...and there was coral. (p.18)


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Which is why I suspect film algae instead of diatoms. Well, that and that it's in the one spot getting light from the other tank.


no, that was the one thing that didn't get diatoms for me

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Cycle must be starting to roll: I've been adding 10ml of 10% ammonia per day, and I've only been able to bump up the overall level to 2.5ppm.

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Probably. Seed rock didn't go in until more than a week after the water, plus it's 99% base rock. I did just find a half empty bottle of Dr. Tim's last night, so I tossed it in. If the bacteria is dead, it's just food. If it's still good, then even better.


The cycle in my Cube took 30 days, I didn't see pods for five months, and I spotted the first visible worm at almost exactly one year in.


So even if this tank cycles slowly, I'm already used to it.


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Wednesday, I added 20ml of ammonia and Thursday I added 10ml.

About 1130 last night, ammonia was 0.2ppm by Red Sea ammonia test.


Starting to see diatoms on the sand... Not a lot, but almost positive that's what's going on.


I guess I'll add 20ml again tonight. See where it is tomorrow, and start testing nitrites and nitrates, too.



Just found a dilution / concentration calculator: according to it, 10ml of 10% solution added to 86 gallons should result in a concentration of 3.07ppm




I guess I ought to start thinking about where I'm going to put this QT.

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So... 24 hours after a 15ml dose of ammonia the NHO3 level was zero.

That's a good sign.


Nitrite was 5+ppm and nitrate was somewhere north of 100ppm, though.


Did today's dose: 15ml of ammonia, and will wait 48 hours before testing again.

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Started putting together the QT.


I was going to put it in the bedroom again, but I don't feel like lugging water up to the second story. It's in the family room, right next to my desk. Because of this, I got the lid for the tank... Hopefully it keeps little fingers out.



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I don't know about speedy... It's been over a month.


But a glimpse at my signature shows tonight's test results.


0.5ppm nitrite is definitely better than 5.0ppm.


I added 10ml of ammonia tonight. see where that goes tomorrow. I might need to start making some salt water in the next day or so.


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Really long is an understatement. It'll be nine or ten months from start to first fish at this rate.


But it's getting closer. Might even get to put water in the QT next weekend.

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I was hoping that the cycle was done being established and climbing nitrites means it isn't.


Half tempted to try the Prodibio stuff, or more Dr. Tims...

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Wow roller monky way to control 10 pages of your post. Add that with firsttimereefers posts and you two have 13 pages of sixteen to your self .

255 posts monkey, wow at 25 per page you know how to keep us reefers up to date on your build. Good job monkey looks great.

Follow up with my post with at least 8 posts to stay on track.

I would like to be of help however, I continue to ask myself why is no one attending to your needs.

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I'm actually glad my build thread isn't like Kat's. :) I'd never be able to keep up!


In seriousness, though, I see this thread as my diary of how I built out the system. By posting lots of details on stuff like how I planned my plumbing or chose equipment, it may give anyone who cares to look ideas if they are considering a similar sized system. Sometimes I just vent when stuff doesn't go right, which has kind of happened a lot. That, and if six months or two years down the road I decide I'm ready to upgrade again, I'll have a better record of anything I did this time that I don't want to repeat the next. ;)


...and if people want to come take a look and offer comments or suggestions, they're more than welcome to do so.

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I guess I need to set up my QT a bit earlier than I expected. Went to give something to a vendor at the local frag swap and got handed a bag with two 4" monti caps for zero dollars and zero cents. (One red, one green) People were getting crazy free corals like 8" toadstool leathers, an 8"x10" section of favias, 6" gorgonians, etc. All this came from the club's tank and some of it has been growing out since last year's meet finished.

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So I tried a new product for supposedly speeding up my cycling, prior to the dose I was having those dark green api ammonia tests even though I am sure I dosed for 4.67 ppm. Added microbe lift special blend last night, the stuff made my entire downstairs smell like the inside of a urinal full of rotten eggs. I am understating how bad it smelled. I tested tonite and ammonia is actually showing 2 ppm with .5 nitrite and 10 nitrate so it did something heh. Prior to the dose nitrite and nitrate were non existent.


edit: the smell went away in about 5 hours, that or I passed out.

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Rollermonkey. I had a question for you about your water station. You have the pump and long hose to get the water to your tank. I was wondering how you dealt with the water left over in the hose after filling? I was thinking you could attach a short piece of PVC with a ball valve and another piece of PVC so you can close off the hose and not drip water all over.

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After I turn off the pump, I close the valves and 'walk' the water out of the hose by putting the open end in a bucket and raising the portion towards the pump, then walking towards the bucket, and while keeping the hose raised, hand over hand towards the open end.


I'm not describing it well, but I drain the hose before I stow it.

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Made a large order from Morgan at Reef Gardener today. :)


LE Fiery Orange Digitata

Mystic Sapphire Favia

AppleBerry Montipora Capitata

Rainbow Delight Chalice

Wow Toxic Glow Psammacora

Miami Vice Zoanthids

Caribbean Dream Leptastrea

Aussie Duncans

Purple Capricornis

Turqoise Discomas Mushrooms

Birds of Paradise Birdsnest


And you just know that there will be some freebies in the box, too.

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