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Innovative Marine Aquariums

will i be success using 6.5k lighting ?


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my current lighting is NO. 2x15watt (10k and actinic blue)


Tank gonna be 5.5 gallon with a sump same size as well(new build sump).


i have 2 extra NO 2x 15 watt 6.5k and

1extra No.15watt at 10k.


question is... if i was to use 4 lighting in my main tank that is...


2x 15 watt(10k and actinic) + 2 x 15watt(6.5k)


will i have any problem?


the left over light 15watt 10k will be for the sump


thanks for help


PS: i am restarting all over my tank at the moment...wanna make it right this time.

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4 NO's over a 5 or even a 10 gallon will be fine, for softies. But by the time you buy some decent bulbs, at least one full spectrum actinic, which I would want purely for colors sake, you could get pc's.


Will corals grow? yes. Be happy, probably not.


If you want to do it right do a 70/150 watt halide or at least 2x32 PC's. Not NO's.

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Just get pcs the bulbs last longer, I started out with a 10 gallon 2X15 watt nos coralife 50/50 bulbs and i ended up buying what i have now:tanks specs 2-65 watt pcs. 15 watt nos stink, i regret buying the dumb 15 watt ballast from fishtown usa for $35.00 each i brought 2 ballast and the 2-50/50 light bulbs that cost $25.00 each and last 6 months. Pc bulbs last like 9-16 months,spectrum wise. Those bastard fishtown employees told me 2-15 watt nos where good for keeping corals, brought carpet anemone and it died. Damn lfs's

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kool cat.... your sig... uh...could you provide some more detail?


the dr. fosters and smith are Just the BULBS ONLY.


IF you are wanting to set this up right the first time, trust me NO's are not the way to go at all. PC's at a minimum, VHO's are better Halides are best.


AND NO the normal output bulbs will not burn out sooner than the Pc's on the right ballast.


NO's will outlast PC's by two fold and keep their spectral integrity while doing it.


PC's should be replaced every nine months IMO.

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Thanks, i agree after reading, thinking of getting a 130watt pc at 14k or MH 150watt de 14k. with either both light setting can i still Use the NO's for the blue actinic?


Been thinking of that for some time.

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coral reef

theres no way pc bulbs out last mh even if they last the same amount of time you are probley going to have to get a couple of them which woud pay for a new mh bulb and mh is no comparison to pc in light quality go with mh you will never regret it

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I just complete my hood, overflow, and sump, so lighting is the issue at the moment. lots to read up, research, ask lol

thanks guys for the great info n forum

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i thnk most proably i will save up some money and go buy

MH 150watt DE 14k. so how high up i need to place on my hood? waht is the min height? Also, if i incorperate fan system in the hood, shall i blow out or in? =P

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