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Coral Vue Hydros

SPS bleaching


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Recently i had two coloonies of SPS bleach. I have placed them in a low region of the tank under caves and ledges. Will the tissue start to grow back? If yes how long do u think it would tank. My water parameters are fine and i jus performed a w/c.

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Need more info!


Could be all sorts of things causing it and whether they recover depends on you finding the reason why it happened to begin with........under ledges might be too little light. I'd drop them to the sand and off to the side. How's the poylp extension.


So, were these captive frags or wild caught?


What are your parameters?


whats your tank temp during the day?

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did they bleach or go into RTN? if it was RTN and you have other SPS in the tank i would highly recommend removing them before it spreads. you could also frag above the lost tissue if there is still healthy tissue above it.

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i fragged the lost tissue on the main colonies but the frags kept bleaching. i live in louisiana and my tank has been getting hotter. I jus popped another big fan on the back and the temp is down to 79 now. I think it was prolly a high temp and my halides are intense. Thanks. BTW water parameters are ok. i jus checked them.

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Basiclally half of the coral is white but the other half seems to be healthy. the only problem is that the bleaching seems to be almost spreading and it would be green one day and in the morning white but have a lil green and so on. So im not so sure whats going on.

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Several things it could be.......for me, temp is a huge culprit! When the temp gets above 84F, things start bleaching and dying.


Are the polyps still open? If so, then it is basic bleaching.......and they should recover


If, however, there is no polyp extension, and you notice necortic tissue....then you have either SDN (shut down necrosis) or RTN (rapid tissue necrosis). In either case, like pyrrus eluded to frag the healthy tissue away from the colony and ditch the necrotic portion.........there is plenty of evidence that both of these conditions are "contagious" and will spread to other if left unchecked!

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Dr. Saltwater
Originally posted by ReefMad1967

Recently i had two coloonies of SPS bleach.  I have placed them in a low region of the tank under caves and ledges.  Will the tissue start to grow back?  If yes how long do u think it would tank.  My water parameters are fine and i jus performed a w/c.


It's said before ... if the polyps come out and the waterparameters are correct then they should possible recover.


For a SPS, I think it's an odd place to put it.


Dr. Saltwater

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Where is the bleaching starting from, the base or tips?

You said the tank is down to 79 degrees, what does it go up to?

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Depending on the species, I 3F degree swing can piss them off......can you try to stabilize it? What was the temp hitting before you put the new fan on?

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it was pretty high like 82 but now evrything is normal. i jus had this temp spike all the sudden because its really getting hot down here, especially this time of year. I plan on buying a chiller but i need to scarf up the money to buy one. thanks.

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Although 82 isn't high........if you had a jump from 76-77 to 82, that could have caused it!!!


As long as poylps are still be extended, you should be fine!

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well the whole corals are white and theres no sign of new tissue yet. i can not seee any polyps either except on one frag that has still part of the tip surviving and thriving. thanks.

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So there is necrosis? You really should yank the colony, or at the very least, frag the portion that still has tissue.


It sould like you could have had RTN or SDR. In either case, there is the potental for it to spread to other colonies.

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Just a note here. Putting SPS corals under caves and ledges is not a good idea. SPS corals need a lot of light, which goes without saying. I'm guessing that you did this thinking that it was cooler there? Not so. In a small tank with good water movement, the temperature is not going to change from one part of the tank to another. The caves and ledges will do nothing more than provide shade from the light, and that's probably why your corals were dying. 82 degrees is not too hot. If I were you, I'd try to place them as close to the light as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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This advice coming from someone who can't figure out how to unlock the caps.


It's cheaper for a chiller to cool a few gallons of water than it is for an air conditioner to cool a few thousand square feet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick note. A small clip on fan directed at the top of your tank will generally keep it pretty steady. Someone on this board posted this tip for me and I was able to keep my tank temp stable with a 250W MH about 8" above my tank in an enclosed hood. Now with that said, I was able to get a chiller and Medusa dual controller for very cheap and have since converted to that. With the chiller in place, my temp has never wavered more than a degree and I notice that my coral growth is faster than when my temp was all over the board.

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Levi I think he put the coral under a ledge at first becuase he was worried about bleaching from the lights.... although that still doesnt make MUCH sense, its better than thinking the temp was different.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have a 130 watt pc on my 10 gallon, the temp was hitting abouve 85 until i got the legs for it, now the temp stays between 78-80

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was out of town for the wk.. my tanks temp was round 90 when i came back... all my sps are fading in color... some of the corals look dead =( but my anemone is fine.... if i raise it back down.. should all go well? also the PH was at 8.8 when i got back and tested it. all the other water prameters were fine. what should i do from this point on??????????????????????

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