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zoo's reproduction


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I was wondering if anyone could tell me how fast zoanthids normally reproduce. I mean in gereral, are we talking seeing a new polyp month, week, day?

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mine grow like crazy...on my newest frag that i bought two weeks ago(with 6 polyps to start) i already have a seventh polyp and can see the buds for four more! they grow quickly when the water parameters are right.

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They can grow really fast or really slow depending on several factors. The biggest factor is species. Some grow quick, some don't. Another consideration is feeding. In my experience, zoos that are fed phytoplankton regularily multiply MUCH quicker. This will be proven or disproven shortly by an experiment in progress by Canadian Reef & Reef Crew. Regardless, they as one of the quicker growers and will fill in pretty fast. You only need a few polyps and you'll have a colony after a few months.


Another thing that grows really quickly is Green Star Polyps.

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oh yeah...lol, i'm such a dork. i forgot to mention that feeding your tank with cyclopeeze will pretty much make the polyp population explode! since i started feeding my tank a bit of that stuff once a week or every other week my polyps have grown like weeds...

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matt the fiddler

you cyclop once a week? do it once a day.. if your tank can handle the extra load. you migh thave to skim a little after feeding...

i know a lot of people that have been in the hobby for years that swear on that.

i put it in a powerhead flow every day.. and spot feed everything with it once a week or so..



isnt' it great that something as cool as zoos grow so fast :-)


the murpys law rule is "the prettier they are- the slower they grow".. this is true 90% of the time...

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The cyclop is great too. I use that and Golden Pearls a couple times a week, in addition to the phyto. You guys ever tried Golden Pearls? I just started using it, but I have a friend with a ~400g (upgrading to 500g+ right now) system who swears by it. If you've tried it, what do you think?


Basically, my regular feedings include a small amount of each of the following:


Frozen cyclop-eeze

Frozen brine/mysis mix

Golden Pearls

Spirulina flake


All soaked in Zoe for a couple hours if possible


& occasionally live freshly hatched brine shrimp when I have the time/space to hatch them.


I'd like to at least double the amount of phyto used (to 2L/week in my 10g), but I have to wait for more to grow.

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matt the fiddler

well, :) you know what you are doing.. i do variety too. no pearls.. but am always putting cyclop in with what ever else i feed...



i got 70 nass cleaning up my overfeeding as well:-)

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matt the fiddler

i have a 25 gallon. i over feed. plus some get eaten by my goby and pistion shrimp...


i have no algae problems. plus it is like a horror flick when they pop out of the sand in a herd.

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