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Black and regular Ocellaris?


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Would it be ok to pair / put in my tank at the same time a "regular" Ocellaris and a Black Ocellaris?



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Sweet beans. Thanks. Now I just gotta have my overly indecisive self decide...


PS- just peaked at your tank; that's a sweet Monti you have there!

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Sweet beans. Thanks. Now I just gotta have my overly indecisive self decide...


PS- just peaked at your tank; that's a sweet Monti you have there!



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As Chad said, it will be no problem. I actually have a pair of a regular orange ocellaris and and a black and white ocellaris myself.

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My tank is a 24 gal JBJ and I have a Blacker Ice Occy and a regular Occy. I introduced them at the same time and they were instantly bonded.


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I've got them chillin in the QT right now.


I've never really run a QT before. It's a 10 gallon with a heater and an AC70 running only carbon and the filter pad. No bio media. I was thinking about doing 1 gallon (10%) daily water changes to try to keep things in check.


Whatcha think?

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Frequent water changes work but can be a hassle, try dosing something like seachem stability. Also an "ammonia alert" badge is a very handy tool. I think brs and marinedepot sell both items.

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Thanks. I was thinking about just using an upside down 1 gallon water jug with the bottom cut off so it has a built-in handle. That along with a pre mixed and warmed 5 gallon bucket keeps me good through the week.


I will for sure check out those ammonia badges though. Do they really work, or are ey gimmicky?

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I'm about to hit the sack. These guys are relaxing the the QT in the basement. There is no light on the tank, but I do have the corner light on in the room. It is pitch black down there with no light on. Should I leave the light on through the night, or turn it off?

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I'd leave some kind of night light on, just so they don't bang into the wall or accidently jump out. Right or wrong I don't know, just what I'd do.

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