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can i feed clowns brine shrimp? I hatched some for my angels, and they dont see them or somethign..neither do my platies and mollies.

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Also, what kind of corals will they host in? I want them to be safe to softies, lps, and maybe sps and clams. I dont really want an anemone, they might kill the other corals right?

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Mine don't really have a host. They hang out with a big toadstool leather, but spend most of their time in the caves. I have heard that they can harrass LPS corals, like bubble or hammer coral. The clowns completely ignore the SPS in my tank, and the softies will be fine.


I would get whatever corals you want, almost all will be fine with the fish.


Anemones can be a problem for a number of reasons, in that they can move around and sting other corals, can get stuck in powerheads, and most species are very finicky.


The adults will eat newly hatched brine shrimp like candy. If it has been hatched for more that a few hours, the nauplii will have used up more of their yolk and not be all that nutritious, though.

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For a tank that size, either a pair of maroons or a single maroon will work. It's likely that the maroon will kill any other species with that little elbow room.

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