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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Pico Noob


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Hey all,


I'm just curious to know whether I should try to start a smaller nano. (2.5 to 3 gallons). The problem is, I haven't ever done my own nano, I've only shared a ten gallon with him. He's the one who knows about all the pH and temp and what can survive where. But I'M LEARNING SO DON'T DUMP ON ME YET! I was actually just a spectator to this nano before he started talking to me about it. I started checking this site out and WHAM! I'm hooked. I've been bitten by the Nano-bug. The reason I want to start a smaller nano is because I'm short on cash. I need all I can spare for my band. I hear that it IS cheaper if you get a smaller nano, which makes sense, but I have also heard that they're really hard to take care of. WHAT SHOULD I DO?


P.S. If any of you would like to educate me on the way of the nano, Just send me a few pics of important corals and fish and such. Tell me the living conditions and what not. I'm eager to learn. Thanks.


Oh, and by the way. NICE TANK TO: Glazer, jdsabin, skipnyc, Gilman, and mayny others.

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I would learn as much as possible about nano tanks before taking the plunge. You need to understand the requirements of corals and fish before you can purchase things. I would start by reading and deciding what type of filtration and lighting you are going to have, lighting is a big factor for the type of inverts you are wanting to keep such as, softies, LPS, or sps. Next I would figure out a way to get the right type of water for these aquariums. To be honest if you do not have the time and you are pressed for money I would suggest thinking about your decision. This is a wonderful and EXPENSIVE hobby, so you have to way your options.


Hope this helps, if you have any problems dont hesitate to email are pm me.



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redrocket touched all the bases... the only productive thing you can do while you save money for a nano is to research, plan, and read (especially from this forum). also, if you don't have the time/money/dedication to begin, you should rethink about the nano and wait for a later time when you are more adequately prepared... but there's no fault in starting now, but be prepared to see your cash go from some to none. :(


don't forget: do lots of research ;)


EDIT: even if it's cheaper to get a "small" 2.5g nano, it might not be as easy to maintain as a 10g nano. Obviously, you would be saving money, but with a larger tank, you are given a larger body of water to work with, and in case you mess up somewhere, the consequences might not be as drastic in a 10g tank where everything is diluted compared to a 2.5g. if i were to "suggest" a tank size, i would suggest a 10g. if you want to do something SMALLER, you can try a 5.5g (they sell all these tank sizes at petco or any LFS)...

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all the good looking pico's that i've seen have been set up by people with exp in bigger tanks. they already know some of the small tank's limitations and just are pushing the envelope. if you want small you're going to have to do your homework and alot of it.

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That was my reason for a Pico. I have a 10g going and a 70g in the works, but I wanted something that would be more challanging. Mine is .75g and the slightest over top-off or forgetting to top-off can have drastic effects on the tank. Working with such a small volume if definately more difficult then working with a 10g.


I've only spent about $50 on the Pico all together but, thats mainly because I have a larger tank to take all my frags from. It'll still be expensive to set up a small tank.

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Thanks for all the help. By the way, It's not that I'm not dedicated, willing to learn, or pressed for time... I have all of that. I'm EAGER to learn as much as I can. I havn't taken and "plunges" yet. I won't buy anything until I'm SURE what I want in the tank, their requirements and such like that. The only problem I have right now, is lack of experience, and CASH. But thanks for all of the suggestions. I really do appericiate it. Check my other post. Glazer and 2.5 owners..... Read what people have told me and tell what your opinion what they say is.


Thanks again.

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