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Macroalgea help


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caulerpa prolifera, the dreaded macro for some,

I am thinking if getting some, I fully expect metrokat to comment on this thread lol


I have a 55 gallon dt with a 30 gallon sump 2/3 full and a 20 longb display fuge


I am wanting to introduce caulerpa prolifera into the fuge

I can't keep cheato alive and would like some display worthy filtration

I am not against 24 hour lighting either


But frankly I don't know enough about it to introduce so quickly


Holocarpy is the proper term for going sexual I believe


Will this crash the tank

It has Lps in the dt

Will a protein skimmer counteract the lack of o2 if it does go sexual

I mainly find horror stories but I'm sure since its in the aquarium. Trade that some people have lick with it


Comments and suggestions welcome

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With 24hr lighting caulerpa will not go sexual.


Chaeto not surviving means you likely have low nitrates which macros enjoy. They also love ammonium. You can also dose iron to help the macros (not if you have clams or intend to keep clams) and use a red light.


If you want better filtration (I'm assuming you mean nutrient export) you can also consider Xenia. Both pretty and effective, it is also an excellent candidate for a fuge.

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My nitrate in that tank are a 10ppm and phosphate at 1ppm, :(:(:(:( Too much water for me to handle,


It wont live, it just doesnt grow, i have tried two diffrent lights over it, currently i have a single t-5 bulb on a 12 hour schedule,

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I can't keep Prolifera or Chaeto alive. If you have low nutrients it will probably just die. I guess my xenia is eating up all my nutrients.


Ohh low nutrients aren't a problem, that's strange.

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My nitrate in that tank are a 10ppm and phosphate at 1ppm, :(:(:(:( Too much water for me to handle,


It wont live, it just doesnt grow, i have tried two diffrent lights over it, currently i have a single t-5 bulb on a 12 hour schedule,

That IS unusual. Hmm. Try Xenia. Unless you don;t like fluffy pretty corals that self frag and multiply like bunnies?

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With 24hr lighting caulerpa will not go sexual.


Chaeto not surviving means you likely have low nitrates which macros enjoy. They also love ammonium. You can also dose iron to help the macros (not if you have clams or intend to keep clams) and use a red light.


If you want better filtration (I'm assuming you mean nutrient export) you can also consider Xenia. Both pretty and effective, it is also an excellent candidate for a fuge.

What species of xenia, might try the red light, i have a t12 grow bulb that i used before the t-5, might double team


Water mixing now to do a large wc to bring levels down, i finally borrowed an ro unit,no more 30 dollar water changes need to buy a sprectra pure because 24gpd isnt going to cut it with three tanks,



I dont understand how people have big huge tanks that aren't fowlr, i can handle keeping pristine water, in smaller tanks but in 70 Gallon+ it baffles me


I also have to feed like crazy for my tilefish to stay happy, bioload is an issue

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If you bought LR, your live rock could be leeching phosphates. This sometimes happens with old LR, and can also happen with the real reef brand of "painted" live rock. A simple test is to take said live rock into a stand alone bucket, in goes freshly mixed saltwater and take a reading after its been in there for a day or so (keep a powerhead and heater). Rocks can and will leech into the system, unless you started with dry dead rock and seeded with a shrimp or a small live rock piece.

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Most is dry dead rock, 1/4 is rock, but none is real reef rock, I was smart enough not to but that in my tank (my dad thought it was Coraline and put it in his lol)


Hmmmm might need to start running gfo and biopellets if the fuge doesnt work, going to track down another strand of cheato at the other lfs. Might try xenia, i have some kenya in there that wont really grow either, my lps and zoas are happy though, so idk, and im sure my nitrate and phosphate readings are off becuase its an api test, that what all of my lfs stores that test water use

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Well it appears that nutrient depletion isn't a problem. I used to grow chaeto with a 100 watt standard bulb in a Home Depot work light fixture. Very low tech but it worked just fine to produce bushels of the stuff.

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might grab some cfls to then

this is so depressing



But back to the orginal issue


Calpuera Prolifica or however its spelled

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Prolifera will do well, and proliferate, and go sexual unless kept on 24hr lights.


I have chaeto in a 2.5 gallon stand alone fuge with no heater, no water changes or filter foam changes in many months. I don;t even top it off and the light is automatic for 16 hours. growing.

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Prolifera will do well, and proliferate, and go sexual unless kept on 24hr lights.


I have chaeto in a 2.5 gallon stand alone fuge with no heater, no water changes or filter foam changes in many months. I don;t even top it off and the light is automatic for 16 hours. growing.

:angry: Jelous of your cheato growing ability,


Thanks Kat,

Might just try another batch of cheato

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How's it lit? The chaeto I initially had in the tank did nothing but turn glassy and melt when I switched from daylight spectrum to "reef" spectrum LEDs. The second batch did fine and has to be pruned monthly if I don't want the centerpiece theme to become "green Brillo pad".


Maybe trying a different variety is indeed your best bet at this point.

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How's it lit? The chaeto I initially had in the tank did nothing but turn glassy and melt when I switched from daylight spectrum to "reef" spectrum LEDs. The second batch did fine and has to be pruned monthly if I don't want the centerpiece theme to become "green Brillo pad".


Maybe trying a different variety is indeed your best bet at this point.

Lit with a single white t-5 36 in bulb running across the 30 in tank, I got some t12 ballast and am going to do a retrofit to supplment the t-5

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