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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Something On The Bottom Of My Brain


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I have never seen anything like this before. They don't seem like crustaceans. Almost like worms tangled inside a jelly sac. I'm talking about the white things around the outside on the flesh. Not the purple things on the skeleton.

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I noticed it wasn't looking so good, it lightened in color and was sliming a bunch. So I decided a revive dip wouldn't hurt. Nothing came off or anything, so I put it right back and now it's looking a little bit better. It stopped sliming, but I'm still wondering wha those things are...

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Ow didn't even pay any attention to those. How long have you had this brain? Are those white spots slimey? Do they wipe away with your finger?

no they're like stuck. and the flesh pulls with it when i try to pull it away.


It's not a tumor!


Pineapple sponges maybe?

nahh i have pineapple sponges and they look nothing like this


They look like egg sacks. You can try slicing one off to see better.

i'll try that tomorrow. its kinda awkward to do because i don't want to damage the flesh.

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when under water, do they have a tube coming from them? Place it so it is up against the glass sorta so that you can study it with the flash light.. Also, do they retract at all with touch?

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when under water, do they have a tube coming from them? Place it so it is up against the glass sorta so that you can study it with the flash light.. Also, do they retract at all with touch?


Nope. Nothing like that.

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It almost looks like sponges but I thought they only grew on hard surfaces and not on the actual flesh. I had skme on my lobo skeleton that I carefully sliced off with a scalpel.

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Looks like its mesenterial filaments.

Just googled that and it does look like that. Would explain the disappearing flesh underneath too. To the OP, was it near anything?


Alright so you need to explain there's none on the actual coral? If not i would almost say sponges

You can see in the picture they are on the fleshy rim underneath.

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no the coral wasn't near anything. it has its own little spot away from everything on a little rock, cause it never looks happy on the sandbed for some reason. i can tell that the spots are not a growth from it, because the brain slimes up intensely, probably in a attempt to get them off.


I'm at college now, so i can't give a more recent description, but i can call my parents later today and get another picture and maybe more descriptions.

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Looks like its mesenterial filaments.

Hold the brain upside down in the water in a decent amount of flow. (Not too strong). If they move around slightly after some jelly is blown off, I will be almost positive that this is what they are.

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