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Lighting Requirements


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I have been looking around on the net reading about differant corals, and it lists their lighting requirments "low"-"intense". It is the same way with water movement. Could someone please tell me how much light is "low" and how much is "intense"? Same goes for the water movement also. I would like to know where Im at right now with the lighting I have and how much further I need to go. I have a nano-cube with a 28w power compact.





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i haven't seen a great review article about light requirements either. however, i have noticed that many tanks evolve from low power lights and that the inhabitants will generally tolerate much more light. the reverse is not true. there are two problems. 1) our eyes do not objectively measure light output, so we don't know how much effective light our inhabitants are getting. 2) lighting requirement have been generalized to make it easier to sell to hobbiest. the generalized info is a disservice because this hobby is science intense. having more detailed info would be better than going through a crap shoot whenever you consider adding something to a tank. soo ..., what i really mean is that all info has to crosschecked to give yourself a chance at keeping your stuff happy.

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2 watts per gallon is generally considered to be low light. The nanocubes are good for xenia, mushrooms, capanella, sacrophyton (maybe) zoanthids and possibly an open brain.

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