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Salted Fish and Dihydrogen Monoxide


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FTS 8/14/13



FTS 4/09/13


FTS 3/16/13


FTS 12/11/12


FTS 11/16/12



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Enigma I have a question for you. I know it was a long while ago but I noticed you drilled the tank after it was fully established. Did you drain it and take everything out to do so?

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Can't wait to see how this one turns out dude! Like everyone else already mentioned, your previous installment surely was an inspiration! I'm also ordering some stuff from IPSF. :)

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Enigma I have a question for you. I know it was a long while ago but I noticed you drilled the tank after it was fully established. Did you drain it and take everything out to do so?

I just drained about 3/4 of the water out and drilled it. If your using the glass-holes kit just clamp the guide to the tank, keep the bit strait, go slow, and stop to spray water on it every once in a while. When you get close to finishing the hole just hold some wet paper towels inside the tank near the hole to catch any possible small bits of glass. Easy peasy but pretty nerve racking. ;)




Oh and thanks guys. Hopefully this one turns out semi decent also.


I have stuff to take pics of now :D




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Hey, sorry if you've already mentioned this a billion times but... all of these macro shots, plus the ones in your previous thread. You are using a Canon 60mm macro lens? The f/2.8 one?

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Hey, sorry if you've already mentioned this a billion times but... all of these macro shots, plus the ones in your previous thread. You are using a Canon 60mm macro lens? The f/2.8 one?

Most of the photos in my old tank thread were taken with a Canon 60mm macro. The photos in this thread so far were shot using some old manual lenses, an RMC Tokina 80-200mm 4.5 and a Asahi SMC Takumar 135mm 3.5 both with and without extension tubes.

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Damn dude . . . those pics are insane! W-
Pretty much ^ this. Incredible.





Barnacles living inside of a chalice, filter feeding on plankton.


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Mmmmm? Good question, what kind of each are you thinking????


Coral wise I would like to go with a few different Montipora digitata and a mix of Birdsnest.


As far as fish go, I'm thinking maybe a Wheeler's Shrimp Goby and a White Banded Possum Wrasse.


I think I need to make a "possibility's" list-

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