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Cultivated Reef

GTI's 55 Gallon Rimless - Retired


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Glad to see things are going well for you. :)

Thanks! I think they're through the tough part! The tough part for me will be letting them go one day!


Awesome! Look at all those little fishies!

Thanks! I'll try to get some better photos or video (or both) up in the next couple of days.

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Thanks! I think they're through the tough part! The tough part for me will be letting them go one day!

It'll be good though. Especially when you see pics of your babies years after you let them go, like this one a local reefer posted just a few days ago. Those were my babies! :wub:





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It'll be good though. Especially when you see pics of your babies years after you let them go, like this one a local reefer posted just a few days ago. Those were my babies! :wub:






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Great tank and work! Question though... I want a black clown and a Picasso. Since their markings are different do you think they could have eggs or is better to have 2 of the same?

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Great tank and work! Question though... I want a black clown and a Picasso. Since their markings are different do you think they could have eggs or is better to have 2 of the same?

Thanks! Regarding the Black Clown and Picasso, from what I understand they should be fine. You could probably get a more definitive answer in the Aquaculture section of the forum or the answer may even be in there. Good luck - sounds cool!

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My Orange Monti Cap (my first SPS from my old BioCube) was growing out of control and taking over the left rock. I decided to switch the rock out for one with more places for coral and more in keeping with the remainder of the aquascape and put something together with some of the left over Reefcleaners rock I had in the basement. It is made up of 3 pieces of rock held together with Marco Rocks mortar and it has a nice hole all the way through. There's also more clearance to the glass for cleaning and the fish can also get through.


I have a few frags of the Monti in my sump but I am unsure where to put it right now.





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I checked on the fry tank a little while ago and the water looked a bit cloudy. Ammonia badge didn't show anything. I had added another dry rock this morning and then a small piece of coralline encrusted rock from the main tank this afternoon. I saw there were a couple of tiny snails and some micro brittle stars that had gone in with the coralline rock. When I looked closely I saw a few white things on the glass. Very small but looked like they might be flatworms. Seems unlikely because I have never seen any in the 55 where the rock came from. The sponge filter had a load of these things on it too.


Next thing I know the baby clowns are all at the surface. I though this was odd but not totally unusual until I noticed there were none on the bottom or in mid-water. Moments later, some were looking lifeless. I quickly netted them all, including the ones that looked past help and dumped them in to a bucket of water I had been mixing for a water change in the 55. I turned off the mixing pump and dropped in the heater and an airstone dialled back with a valve.


Currently it looks like there are 10 dead but the others seem ok so far.


I'm going to take a look at the 'flatworms' under a magnifier but all I can think is that the rock had a load of them in it and when I broke this piece off, they died and poisoned the tank? Seems unlikely but I can't think of anything else at the moment. More to follow soon.


Thoughts and suggestions welcome.

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Oh no. Sorry about the babies. Hope you figure out what's going on

So I removed 8 dead. Very sad. They were all the larger fish which seems odd - none of the smaller fish have died (yet). They all sank (don't think that's relevant). I found one of the worms and under magnification it appeared transparent except for its digestive tract and may have had a round mouth area and a v shaped tail but it was really hard to tell because my cheap loupe isn't that powerful! It may actually be a round worm (unsegmented) - not sure as I have never viewed a flatworm under magnification. They did prefer to be attached to a surface than in mid-water and moved like the red flatworms I once had in my pico tank - just gliding along.


If this was the cause, why would they have suddenly died and poisoned the tank?


Perhaps the larger fish ate some and died faster and the process of them being eaten released toxins in to the water and clouded it?


All pure speculation at this point.


Lesson learned - I won't be adding anything to the fry tank again! I might even throw out the rocks that were in there to be on the safe side.


Hopefully there will be no more casualties by the morning.

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Oh no, sorry to hear about that. Flat worm die off due to rapidly changing water conditions like temp, ph, or any number of other factors might have played a role in poisoning your tank. I would change out the carbon asap and get that going again.

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Oh no, sorry to hear about that. Flat worm die off due to rapidly changing water conditions like temp, ph, or any number of other factors might have played a role in poisoning your tank. I would change out the carbon asap and get that going again.

Thanks - I guess it could have been worse - at least I was there and saw something weird was going on. I'm going to clean out the tank tomorrow and then transfer the little guys back in. They seem ok in the bucket when I last checked a short while ago.


I guess when they are this small they are still quite delicate, even though they seem much more robust than pre-meta.

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Yeah it's good that you caught that in time before it was a total loss. I'm actually looking at getting a pair of mated percs to try my hand at raising fry. I have the help of a very expierenced breeder that's local to me though to offer tips and advice. I hope you can get everything squared away with these little guys.

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I think it was a close thing. There is some good info in the aquaculture section (especially Pickles and Lalanis threads). I'm sure your buddy will help you get going - it's really rewarding to see them grow and develop.

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Yeah, I wanna know if it's something I wanna get into before I take the plunge. I plan on breeding snow onyx clowns and my black and white phantom/darwin mixed pair.

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Awe. So sorry to read about your poor clowns. I hope everything recovers quickly for you.


Sorry to hear. =(

Thanks guys. I'm glad to report that this morning there were no further casualties. I will be setting up my 20 long (from the $1/gallon sale a few weeks back) tonight and putting them in there. I'm sure they will prefer it to the 5 gallon bucket!


Their previous tank was even cloudier this morning. Before the problem exploded, I had siphoned the bottom and cleaned the sponge filter. I am starting to wonder whether there was something dissolved in the dry rock? It was pukani and whilst I know there is often organic matter trapped that can lead to ammonia, I hadn't heard of anything like this.

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