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Coral Vue Hydros

Just pulled the trigger on a new PAR38 bulb!


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So since someone kicking around here's been rather prolific of late on the design front I've been eyeballing smaller Full Spectrum setups. A LOT of them; DIY-DIM4 rigs, PAR38 bulbs, GUI arrays, the newer nano-class fixtures. A LOT of them.


Finally settled on this: http://www.brightaquatics.com/dimmable-tru...eef-led-system/


Owner of the site was reasonable to work with and very flexible...clincher was when he asked me to wait a day following a long back-and-forth email thread and then posted the exact feature set I'd been yammering about getting "custom" along with a lower introductory price!


Full-Spec LED gurus... how's this look? Given what I've read, this should do very well for a basic setup that seems to hit all the talking points. Not controllable on the individual channels, but I had to face facts...I'm great at reading schematics and a good with a soldering iron, but my case fabrication skills blow big-time. ;) Plus I barely have time for the weekly water change and media swaps... no way I'd bring a quality DIY build together in any reasonable timeframe.

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Ditto. Very interested in a couple of these for my tank.


Better hurry, Nothing this good and cheap never lasts long!

Im glad Ive got mine ordered too :-P

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That is a nice bulb. I have to ledtric full spectrum bulb and love to color but still get a bit of disco ball effect. This is a problem with all PAR38 bulbs.

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A little disco is to be expected... Only way I know of to fix that is to pack the LEDs closer together, or mount it higher and use narrow optics to achieve the same effect. Is the PAR38 perfect? Nope, but at $100 usd/cdn I suspect your only gonna get better by DIYing.


Which is then dependent on said skills for the realization of "better". I could build it, it'll work well, but the fixture itself would look like crap. The wife accepts and appreciates my hobby so long as I dont make our livingroom look like a junkyard. Therein lies the tradeoff. ;)

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The wife accepts and appreciates my hobby so long as I dont make our livingroom look like a junkyard. Therein lies the tradeoff. ;)

Hey nothing wrong with a post apocalyptic/steam punk themed living room ;-)

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