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question about acro


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I am new to SPS so don't laugh too loud. I have this acro for over 3 months and recently I noticed something is growing right next to it that looks very similar to the coral itself but is softer and more like a weed. Can anyone identify this. I circled it.


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Not part of the coral. Looks like a macro algae, I am not an expert on macro algae so I will leave that to the algae experts. I would remove it all as it will spread and affect the acro growth and health.

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It's fern caulerpa. If you don't have any tangs in the tank, which I assume you don't due to it still being there, I would get it out of your display ASAP.

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Thanks to all. I removed as much as I could with tweezers however I couldn't remove the roots. I didn't drop any piece to the tank but I will watch it carefully for regrow. if it happens I will need to remove the acro and clean this place much better. It grows between the coral and the rock so it is very difficult to remove 100%. I searched for images of fern caulerpa and it looks exactly like one. I don't know how I get it but I assume it came with the acro but I bought it July 14 and it started to grow maybe a month ago.

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Thanks to all. I removed as much as I could with tweezers however I couldn't remove the roots. I didn't drop any piece to the tank but I will watch it carefully for regrow. if it happens I will need to remove the acro and clean this place much better. It grows between the coral and the rock so it is very difficult to remove 100%. I searched for images of fern caulerpa and it looks exactly like one. I don't know how I get it but I assume it came with the acro but I bought it July 14 and it started to grow maybe a month ago.


It is bryopsis. I would also check other areas in your tank. Once it starts to take off, it can be quite hard to remove.

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I think it's bryopsis as well, get rid of it before it chokes out your tank and make you want to tare your hair out. I ended up having to remove the rocks from the tank, pick off what I could, then applied peroxide to where it was growing. a little bit getting on the Acro won't hurt it, I used an eye dropper though. for the rest of the rock I dipped in 50/50 mix of peroxide and tank water for 5 mins, or use a blow torch.

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I can't remove the rock from the tank. I don't know how some of you can. The acro is attached to the main rock in my tank. Removing the rock would create so much mess I couldn't even imagine. I do regular WC on Monday so I will remove acro and clean the place with a brush. Hopefully it will correct the problem instead of spreading the bryopsis in the tank. No I think it is bryopsis not the fern caulerpa. I will buy Kent Tech M as well.

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Tech M works but peroxide is kryptonite to bryopsis. trust me, it is worth it to tear the rock out and put a drop of peroxide on it. In a month when you have a green tank you will end up taking it all out anyway. Remove the rock, put 1 drop straight peroxide on it, let it sit for about 3 mins, and put it back in the tank. Will be completely dead by tomorrow. Word of caution, some sps react negatively to peroxide. But, ALL corals react badly to being choked out by bryopsis.

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you can apply perioxide to it while the rock is in teh water if your careful. shut your pumps off, let the tank sit for a few min so all movement is gone. get a syringe and put a small amount of perioxide in it, let the syringe warm up to the tank temp. inject a small amount of it at the base of the object in question, let it sit for a few minutes, then turn your pumps back on. might piss the acro off and some of your other corals but they bounce back after a few hours

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you can apply perioxide to it while the rock is in teh water if your careful. shut your pumps off, let the tank sit for a few min so all movement is gone. get a syringe and put a small amount of perioxide in it, let the syringe warm up to the tank temp. inject a small amount of it at the base of the object in question, let it sit for a few minutes, then turn your pumps back on. might piss the acro off and some of your other corals but they bounce back after a few hours

Thanks. I did what you suggested and after that a regular WC. I didn't notice any effect on the corals, however I removed the acro before I used the syringe. I will closely monitor for any regrow.

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