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pls save my tank huirrcane *updated*


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Keep stirring...best is to get a glass and pour...this transfers the Oxygen better...do it for a few minutes at a time....take a break and repeat.. cover the tank with a towel or blanket to keep the heat in the tank.


Good Luck!

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Get a battery powered air pump. Pet stores will have them or even get one from a bait shop or Walmart. If you can find one open.

If not do what got2envy says. I've done that during one hurricane and it works.

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Get a battery powered air pump. Pet stores will have them or even get one from a bait shop or Walmart. If you can find one open.

to late for that stores are closed and pumps sold out

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I take it u don't have a battery back up or generator? And if not u will be fine without power for a few hours no problem, just take a turkey baster and swish water around for a few mins every 30 mins or so. What size of tank and livestock?

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grab a case of beer, sit by tank, blow bubbles..


I would think you could take a gallon jug and fill it 2/3rds with tank water and shake the #### out of it. Do that a few times an hour.

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BIOCUBE 29...only 1 fish hermets coral starfish smails macro ...power will be out for over a day.using laptop battery almost dead

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grab a case of beer, sit by tank, blow bubbles..


I would think you could take a gallon jug and fill it 2/3rds with tank water and shake the #### out of it. Do that a few times an hour.


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If you don't have power you wouldn't be on your laptop right now on the internet unless you have a mobile internet card like Verizon which I HIGHLY doubt.

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If you don't have power you wouldn't be on your laptop right now on the internet unless you have a mobile internet card like Verizon which I HIGHLY doubt.

im on my mobil hotspot for verizon its called a teather so you can plug ur phone into the cpu i wouldent make tis up im looking for suggestions to help save my fish/corals

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I just seen you guys up there are blacked out so good luck to you and God bless. There's a lot of good methods here that will work n lol at blowing bubbles. Let us know how it turns out.

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If you don't have power you wouldn't be on your laptop right now on the internet unless you have a mobile internet card like Verizon which I HIGHLY doubt.


Why would you highly doubt that? They're very common, and as OP has since said, he is using his phone's wifi connection.



@OP: Just continue stirring or mixing with a glass/jug. I'm riding out the storm too, but luckily I still have power. It's been flickering on and off every half hour all day, but I'm still kick'n.


One of my tanks has a ecotech battery back up to power my MP10, but my other tank is SOL. If I do happen to lose power, I'll end up manually stirring the tank every hour for a few minutes until we get our power back.


I hate to say it, but if you're going to be without power for the night, you're not going to get a good nights rest tonight.


Sorry and good luck with your tank!

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Why would you highly doubt that? They're very common, and as OP has since said, he is using his phone's wifi connection.



@OP: Just continue stirring or mixing with a glass/jug. I'm riding out the storm too, but luckily I still have power. It's been flickering on and off every half hour all day, but I'm still kick'n.


One of my tanks has a ecotech battery back up to power my MP10, but my other tank is SOL. If I do happen to lose power, I'll end up manually stirring the tank every hour for a few minutes until we get our power back.


I hate to say it, but if you're going to be without power for the night, you're not going to get a good nights rest tonight.


Sorry and good luck with your tank!

He doubts everything because he is a dick.

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im on my mobil hotspot for verizon its called a teather so you can plug ur phone into the cpu i wouldent make tis up im looking for suggestions to help save my fish/corals

lol @ calling a computer a 'cpu'.


you probably should have been prepared before the storm, not rushing around trying to figure out what to do during.


last hurricane we had here, i was going to be out of town. i went out and bought two tanks to set up at my parents house to put all my fish in so if anything happened they wouldnt have had to go to my house to deal with them there. and it turns out the power didnt even flicker the entire time.

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To keep water temps up you need to put hot water in water bottles and float them in the tank. Stir the tank a bit so the water temp goes throughout the tank. For O2, take some of your tank water out, put it in an empty water bottle with a little air left, shake the hell out of it, and put it back in.


I still have power in Cleveland Ohio, but have my cell phone alarm set to wake me up every hour and a half so I can check and make sure I still do, or if I'll be performing CPR all night too.

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He doubts everything because he is a dick.


Pot calling the kettle black. You don't even know me dbag. GTFO.



Goodluck Op. But you shoulda been more prepared.

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To keep water temps up you need to put hot water in water bottles and float them in the tank. Stir the tank a bit so the water temp goes throughout the tank. For O2, take some of your tank water out, put it in an empty water bottle with a little air left, shake the hell out of it, and put it back in.


I still have power in Cleveland Ohio, but have my cell phone alarm set to wake me up every hour and a half so I can check and make sure I still do, or if I'll be performing CPR all night too.




+1 for shaking the hell out of a bottle of water... I used zip lock bags of hot water to keep the temp up :)

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+1 for shaking the hell out of a bottle of water... I used zip lock bags of hot water to keep the temp up :)


Keep stirring and this is a great idea! Monitor temps and check to see how your fishes are holding up too.

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If you have an old desktop computer you dont mind stealing a part from take out the fan and place above the tank rigged with some batteries. Will help cool tank and provide surface movement for o2 exchange. Just an idea. You can put the fan back after the storm. ;)

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If you have an old desktop computer you dont mind stealing a part from take out the fan and place above the tank rigged with some batteries. Will help cool tank and provide surface movement for o2 exchange. Just an idea. You can put the fan back after the storm. ;)



At this time of year, he's likely going to have worry more about keeping the tank heated and aerated.


Best advice I can offer now is to plan ahead. Sorry about your situation, hope everything pulls through. Good luck!

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If you have an old desktop computer you dont mind stealing a part from take out the fan and place above the tank rigged with some batteries. Will help cool tank and provide surface movement for o2 exchange. Just an idea. You can put the fan back after the storm. ;)



At this time of year, he's likely going to have worry more about keeping the tank heated and aerated.


Best advice I can offer now is to plan ahead. Sorry about your situation, hope everything pulls through. Good luck!


It would be a good idea for the summer to keep it cool but now he probably needs to worry about keeping the tank warm.

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