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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Glass or Acrylic


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What is the best material to use for a designated shallow frag tank? I know the differences between both but planning to DIY one on my own. (Main reason im asking is because i see acrylic tanks in most Fish stores). Also, which one is easier to seam?

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At this point, I would not use acrylic again for anything but some extremely large, weight prohibiting setup. It scratches so easily, it's just not worth the effort. Anything and everything scratches it, and while it is more repairable than glass, it's a total pain to buff out scratches.

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What is the best material to use for a designated shallow frag tank? I know the differences between both but planning to DIY one on my own. (Main reason im asking is because i see acrylic tanks in most Fish stores). Also, which one is easier to seam?


Acrylic would be easier to work with. It's lighter and easy to cut. But scratches easy. Very easy. Glass is heavier and more difficult to cut but is more scratch resistant. Acrylic is popular right now. It's lighter, stronger, brighter and cheap. But since its popular they are over pricing the tanks. I've never actually made my own tank so I can't say much on the actual seaming process. Since I have a 3 year old I only deal with glass. Harder to scratch. Yes acrylic is safer. But it's not that easy to bust a glass tank. Unless you give them a hammer.

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