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Hey all im starting my first reef tank as i cant get rid of the itch to do it!


Funny story as to how i ended up going into this. My friend and I are always talking fish, i dont really think we know anything about each other then what we like in aquariums. One night while hanging out and looking at our freshwater shrimp tanks (i do breed these as well and love them), we were talking about him setting up a reef tank...i tried talking him out of it as i knew if he did it i would have to do one to and well long story short, he has a 75 going now and im working on building my dream salt tank.


I have been sitting on this tank for a while now and really didnt know what i wanted to do with. It had been setup as a freshwater display before for some of the Sulawesi shrimp that had hit the market, but i was just not i love with. The tank came down and went into storage. Before really deciding to do anything with the tank i ad already thought about making into a reef tank but talked myself out of it many times as i didnt want another tank to deal with. The time has come and now im onto planning.




lighting: 4 bulb t5 ho

filtration: 2 fluval 405 canister filters

live rock and live sand.

mostly keeping softies and some lps




After doing my reading, searching the web, meeting local reefers and fraggers i have decided to do a sump and LED lighting. The tank was to deep to get the lighting i needed for possible clam or any sand dwelling coral that i might come across that i have to have.


Now that im going with brigther lighting im planning to add some SPS to the tank in forms of Montiporas, Pocillipora, and stylaphora. Softies will be the main focus but there will be a few LPS that make there way. I already have a rock anemone on hold for this tank as well.


I need suggestions on what protein skimmer to go with. But being on a tigher budget i need to find something that is reliable and will do the job for a lightly stocked tank...2 clowns will be the biggest fish (i think :) ) and some gobies with a lot of inverts.


Will post picture of the tank AND more info when the tank gets in its place.

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Good choice on choosing a sump over the canisters. Canisters are a PITA


Some decent lower priced Skimmers would be Octopus,Bubble Magus, and Eshopps. they're both good for what you pay for. Get an Auto top off too

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The tank is a 45 gallon column. 24x18x24. I want to miniimize the amount of equipment in the tank as there will be atleast one if not two powerheads in the tank to create a wave type system.


There will be a fuge in the sump, so no need for a hangon mod.


I was possibly thinking of going with the Hydor slim skim. I know that its has to be in the tank but it does blend in well against a black wall. but then i run the problem of it not being tall enough.


I keep checking to see if i can get a used in sump one for the marketplace

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dont think twice just drill it and get it over with.

i made the mistake on my first tank

after replacing and upgrading my leaking tank

i drilled it and now life is a lot simpler

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why drill it? i have the overflow and everything already. i dont want to screw it up and brake the tank. it would be just my luck. lol why do you see it being more simple?


Apparently now the skimmer is already taken. We will see if the buyer backs out.

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why drill it? i have the overflow and everything already. i dont want to screw it up and brake the tank. it would be just my luck. lol why do you see it being more simple?


Apparently now the skimmer is already taken. We will see if the buyer backs out.


Some people say they can flood if it loses siphon or if an air bubble forms in the U tube. I've used one for 2 years no problem, Some times, when turning the main pump back on after a water change, I would have to restart the siphon in the U tube. No bigger to me. Just keep an eye on it. I'm not against either,ask your LFS if theyll drill it for you if you change your mind


Sucks about the Skimmer! Was a steal!

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