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***polyps222 custom 7 gallon rimless***


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Here is my tank so far. I have gone through 3 different LED lights. I used boostled 3 blue and 2 white, then boost led 4 blue 2 white, a par38 from marintech.com called splash, and now I am using the orphek pr7 which so far it's the best. The par38 was too much light and was bleaching my coral. The pr7 really give the corals a very nice color. Here are some pictures. Enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.


-7 gallon rimless

-Aquaclear 20 w/ refugium media basket

-Orphek pr7 LED with custom fixture

-2 rio nano pumps

-custom mesh lid







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Really pretty. The colors are vivid.


Yeah the colors are great. Thanks :)


niceee...how r u keeping the bottom sooo clean..?


I try scraping it with a scraper other than that I just have a lot of flow in my tank I dont know if thats why it's so clean.

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  • 1 month later...

Can you keep clams under the pr-7 I have one over a 3.5g and its a 2"x1" crocea clam.


Please LMK your success with your pr-7 I also have the pr-25 I can put over it but its too much light for my other corals

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