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biocube 29 led questions


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Hey Guys,

I just downgraded my tank to make it easy to travel with. Going to grad school, just left my job.

I am looking at schools in the south or NY, anyway irrelivent. I am looking to get LED for my tank.


Here is my backround: I have always loved t-5, but with the the downgrade of my tank i am left with the following options:


Rapid LED- Biocube 29 retro fit- if best option i need to know what LED to get to offer best colors for my SPS, for some reason i want to throw UV in there


Al Sol Blue- Was just going to cut the hood and strap this on the it with the plastic shield, seems simple to do


Al Sol Vega-Was just going to cut the hood and strap this on the it with the plastic shield, seems simple to do


What is the big diffrence growth wise for the Vega? Can it allow for better colors?


This is going to be a heavy SPS tank...so please advise, looking for growth and coloration

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