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Anemone Issue


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Ok did a water change on saturday and after that my anemone has started to lose some tentacles, I mean i see a tip just lying there with a green tip.


My water Parameters are from yesterday

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0.1

Nitrate 5

Ph 8.2

Salinity 1.021

iron 0

Could clownfish tear them off he has since started to move underneath a rock?


Thanks for any info

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First off your salinity is pretty low, nems prefer 1.023 - 1.026 - it's low for most corals as well.


I'd caution you in raising your salinity and suggest you do it over a matter of a few days / a week to be safe. Bringing it up too quickly could be detrimental to your tank and it's inhabitants.


Second concern is your nitrite reading as you should be reading 0. I'd suggest a water change and be prepared to do more changes if needed.


The other things you should look at is lighting (type and photoperiod), temps, and age of your tank to sure they are all suitable for your nem.

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Another thing is that judging from your nitrite reading I'm willing to bet that this is a very young tank. For new hobbyists, most people suggest that the tank be at least 6 months old before adding an anemone for stability reasons.

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Another thing is that judging from your nitrite reading I'm willing to bet that this is a very young tank. For new hobbyists, most people suggest that the tank be at least 6 months old before adding an anemone for stability reasons.


it is about a year and a half and the anemone has lived there happily for 13-14 months of that issue had some shock issues initially but after that got it to grow about 3 time the original size and the body and foot hasn't shrunk just the tentacles have deflated like a flat tyre and some have broken off. its like it had a stroke and one half was of the tentacles retracted.


as for lights i did get a new par38 bulbs but only held it over the anemone for about a minute so that shouldn't effect it.

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Like others have said, try a water change, and use saltwater to top off your tank until the salinity comes up a bit...maybe try and see if there's a hidden dead beastie somewhere in your tank...



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