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Tomato Clowns and Sexy Shrimp


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I have two pretty good size tomato clowns that get along just fine but are extremely aggressive. I really want to get a couple of sexy shrimps but I am affraid the clowns will eat them.


Does anyone have any experience with these? Is it safe to get the sexy shrimp or would it be a bad idea?

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Most fish leave them alone. I had a sexy shrimp with a REALLY mean maroon clown. Did fine for a long time. I had 3 in my last tank and all 3 disappeared over about a month. All I had was a small Ocellaris clown. So who knows.

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The problem is when the clowns are hosted by an anemone. Instinct will tell the sexies to go to the nem. And we all know how hosted clowns get when you get near their nem. They'll more than likely bully the sexies out of the area. If there isn't a nem present, they'll probably be just fine together.

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Unfortunately both my anemones are hosted and you are right the clowns go nuts when you even think of going close to the anemones

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I wouldn't add them unless they have their own anemone, even a rock flower or maxi-mini would work. Unlike clown fish, I'm pretty sure that they will try to host whatever is available at almost any cost.

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