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Cultivated Reef

quick question on Yellow Tang


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my friends yellow tang has been diong good in my QT for about a week now but out of no where for hte last 10 minutes he has been rapidly swimming left to right against the rear glass rubbing against it and breathing quick. Now I dont know if hes breathign quick because of how fast he is moving or because he is stressed. But he was literally fine until I put a black piece of paper on the back of the DT so I can observe him easier due to color standing out.


Is this sign of ich? I dont see anything on him.


I do see some tiny black spots onthe rim of his eye but I can't get a clear look to see if its black ich or not.

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my friends yellow tang has been diong good in my QT for about a week now but out of no where for hte last 10 minutes he has been rapidly swimming left to right against the rear glass rubbing against it and breathing quick. Now I dont know if hes breathign quick because of how fast he is moving or because he is stressed. But he was literally fine until I put a black piece of paper on the back of the DT so I can observe him easier due to color standing out.


Is this sign of ich? I dont see anything on him.


I do see some tiny black spots onthe rim of his eye but I can't get a clear look to see if its black ich or not.


What size tank is he in? They need a decent amount of room to swim. Maybe the black paper made the swimming space to him seem smaller? Not sure about that, but maybe

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Putting that paper on effectively cut his viewed world in half. I'd probably freak too if half of everything I see suddenly disappeared in a wall of blackness :-)

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the wierd thing is the tank is against a wall so its still against a oragne "view" so to say but the black comletey drove him insane loll.


I have noticed he eats his poop though, a lot of it, is that normal? loll

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