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k630229's 15 gallon reef tank.


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currently I live in south korea.

I have looking this web site long time ago. (in fact, one month :happy:)

I admire for this site which includes many cool reef tanks.

so I dare to upload my tank :)

before introduce my tank, my English level is not good, so I ask for understanding for this matter.


my tank size 60 x 30 x 36 *cm* (In korea almost people use cm, and litter)

this tank isolated two parts. one is display part. another part is filter tank.


look at the pictures.







In filter tank, I put several things which include hydor nano skimmer.

deniterate 2L

chemi pure 5oz

UP no3+po4 remove sponge

sicce 11w (return pump)


I change water per 1 month (about 10% )

added water is RO/DI.

lighting system is power led which assembles 10w loyal blue 6 pcs

10w cool white 3 pcs

1w blue 18 pcs ( moonlight )

lighting time : 9 am to 6 pm - royal blue and blue

11 am to 3 pm - cool white.


First I use marineland reef capable led. but I realize this lighting is not suitable for growing many corals. so I change other things ( current lighting system is only selling in korea.)


look at the other pictures.










partial pictures ( this word is right?) in my tank.


my upload is full, so I upload other pictures and story next time.


I endeavor to write thread periodically.



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Thanks looks good,


Keep up the good work and it will pay off.


PS: your English is fine, we can understand you so don't worry about it and post a lot of pictures and write detailed info about your tank.



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currently I live in south korea.

I have looking this web site long time ago. (in fact, one month :happy:)

I admire for this site which includes many cool reef tanks.

so I dare to upload my tank :)

before introduce my tank, my English level is not good, so I ask for understanding for this matter.



Nice tank .... thanks for the pics ...

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currently I live in south korea.

I have looking this web site long time ago. (in fact, one month :happy:)

I admire for this site which includes many cool reef tanks.

so I dare to upload my tank :)

before introduce my tank, my English level is not good, so I ask for understanding for this matter.


my tank size 60 x 30 x 36 *cm* (In korea almost people use cm, and litter)

this tank isolated two parts. one is display part. another part is filter tank.


my upload is full, so I upload other pictures and story next time.


I endeavor to write thread periodically.






I look forward to more pictures. I like that your tank is so sleek and clean. Your corals have a lovely color.

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