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New nano reefer advice please

Red hawk

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HI everyone, i'm in the process of cycling my first ever marine tank (been keeping fish for 10 years). This morning i noticed something floating out of my live rock. After some searching i discovered it is an Aptasia anenome, which i believe isnt good. Does anyone know what to do with it? I have a 12 gallon tank.

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Buy some aiptasia-x. It comes with a syringe that you use to squirt the aiptasia-x into the mouth of the anemone, causing it to melt away.

+1 or peppermint shrimp

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I also bought a peppermint shrimp but it hasn't found the little buggers. I heard you can train the peppermint with pellets and then drop a pellet on the nem and it should then go to town on em.

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If its a tiny one, then do a syphon with an air line tube and take it out.

If it's attached to a rock, them just wiggle it around with the air line til it comes out floating.

Its better than spraying aiptasia-x or a peppermint. Its quick and easy.

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If its attached to a rock? You make it sound easier than it is. As soon as you disturb to it any degree it launches a gazillion planaria into the water column making your problem exponentially worse. Berghia Nudibranches are the best. Peppermints are hit and miss. ApraisiaX is effective if used correctly.

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If its attached to a rock? You make it sound easier than it is. As soon as you disturb to it any degree it launches a gazillion planaria into the water column making your problem exponentially worse. Berghia Nudibranches are the best. Peppermints are hit and miss. ApraisiaX is effective if used correctly.

Wait so you're saying disturb the aiptasia and it lets loose with flatworms!? I've never heard that before. have you seen this or where can I read the article?


If they're small enough and the rock is removable I've also heard of putting super glue over the hole or spot they're in.

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If its attached to a rock? You make it sound easier than it is. As soon as you disturb to it any degree it launches a gazillion planaria into the water column making your problem exponentially worse. Berghia Nudibranches are the best. Peppermints are hit and miss. ApraisiaX is effective if used correctly.

like I said, do a syphon, anything that it lets loose, the syphon will take, same as getting rid of bubble algae. But again, like i said, a TINY one (about1-2cm), i wouldn't recommend this method for anything bigger than that.



Edit: I wouldn't recommend super glue, if you are talking about "reef glue" which is better for your aquarium than "super glue" then yes, but aiptasia will always let loose particles which will cause pests even with the aiptasia-x method and the peppermint method.

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If there's only one, put some epoxy over it. That will take care of it quick and easy :)




If you try this, also make sure to plug up any near by holes, too, since they can migrate internally in the Live Rock for short distances.

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aiptsia x worked good for me.

but every once in a while aiptasia appeared.. maybe through frags etc..

and a few weeks ago i had an outbreak..

bought 4 peppermint (14g) within a week ~100 aiptasia were gone.

3-4 peppermint shrimp and they will never ever come back.(let the lfs show you, the kind of peppermint they sell actually eats them. and dont feed too much ehen you want them to eat aiptasia..)

now i can introduce aiptasia in m tank and dont have to worry..

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I haven't had to use AiptasiaX yet, I've had a couple of instances of aiptasia getting into my 20L as a hitchhiker, but the pair of pep-shrimps that I've got in the tank take care of it before it goes crazy.


It's the boogeyman (or Keyser Söze) of the NR world! Everyone talks about these dramatic nuclear options that they use to rid their tanks of infestations by legions of zomb-tasia, but I got rid of mine with harsh language...



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If there's only one, put some epoxy over it. That will take care of it quick and easy :)

+1, I sealed mine in a hole with super glue. never returned. pull rock out, cover area with glue, put rock back in. done.

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