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Cultivated Reef

Odd Problem (Mandarin)


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I am trying to give a co-worked some insight into an issue he is having with his tank. He introduced a flame angel to his system after it was in QT for 3 weeks.


A few days later it died, then his clowns showed classic brooklynella signs. Powdered sugar dots on body, translucent fins, and white patches in slime coat.


Treated them with a Formaldehyde dip but they didn't make it.


He also has a Falco Hawk and Mandarin. The mandarin has been in his system for over a year now and still only eats live copepods as far as he knows.


The hawk fish he has removed and put in a HT for dips over the next 8 weeks. How should he handle the mandarin since he won't survive in a HT without copeopods, I suggested he just buy live copeopods and put them in the HT.


The HT will not be treated with anything, both fish will be given FW & Formaldehyde dips then placed in a clean / disinfected HT.


He will obviously need to live 8 weeks like this.



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Adding pods for 8 weeks is going to cost like $10 a day unless he has a huge culturing setup. Training it onto frozen ASAP would be a good thing to try. Just my $0.02.

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Any good documentation on how to do that.


I've heard of people leaving a mandarin in the tank during a fallow period for brook with success.

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My mandarin survived a brooklynella outbreak, never showed any signs of stress at all when left in the DT


Did you leave your system fallow for 8 weeks (except of course the mandarin) no new outbreaks? I know mandarins are really resistant to brook but I cannot confirm they can be left in and still break the parasites life cycle.

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Well, I kinda cheated because i was setting up a new tank anyways, so the mandarin went in there after about four weeks. He was alone for another 5 weeks in the new tank, no signs of parasite four months later.

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Well, I kinda cheated because i was setting up a new tank anyways, so the mandarin went in there after about four weeks. He was alone for another 5 weeks in the new tank, no signs of parasite four months later.


I am actually setting up another tank.


I was thinking of doing this


New tank, new rock, totally isolated system from the brook infested system.


Once the new tank cycles and gets its pod population up (I have a tank full of rock that has pods out the wazoo). I will dip the mandarin 3 times over the course of 5 days (while in a clean HT each time) He should live that long without much food, I will introduce pods every day for 5 days.


Then I will move him into the new tank. That should prevent any brook from making its way into the new tank. As if mandarins can even carry it and allow it to continue its life cycle.



Someone chime in if this isn't necessary. Question is, can a mandarin alone in a tank maintain the lifecycle of brook.

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I really don't know what to do with this fish.


He is a little fatty but refuses to eat prepared foods, I tried to help get this mandarin eating something besides pods with no luck.


I have a tank he can be put in, but it has only been up for about 3 weeks. It appears to have a good pod population and a refugium with live rock to allow them to reproduce.


I was going to propse the following plan.


Hawkfish goes in QT for standard formaldahyde dips over 2 weeks then observation.


The mandarin will be given a formaldahyde dip and be placed in a QT with clean live rock from a tank w/o parasites. This rock will provide temporary pods for the fish. I will then wait a couple days and we will give the mandarin another dip, sterelize the tank, and get rid of the rock as "compromised". Then I will get another piece of safe live rock and put it in the QT with the now twice dipped mandarin. This should give him a little food.


He doesn't show any signs of brook cause hes a mandarin so observing is a waste and frankly not possible without him eating prepared foods.


I will then move the mandarin into the 3 week old system that is clean, this system has stable parameters and obviously has pods & fuge. We will closely monitor the mandarin and if he begins to lose weight we will give up and put him back in his home to prevent him from dying.


At that point I will come up with something else.


Thoughts? Good idea? Will it work?


I really don't know what to do with this fish lol. omgomgomg

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The mandarin will probably not be affected by the brook, but can be a carrier, so I think your plan to remove it from the display tank is appropriate. I'd give the mandarin the formaldehyde baths everyday, for five days and return him to the hospital tank. I don't think you need to dispose of the live rock during this 5 day period. Unless you move the madarin to an entirely new set-up, you are still going to have some contamination.


After the final dip, you should put him straight into your clean holding tank.




Brooklynella has a much shorter lifecycle than ich. You only need to keep the tank fallow for four weeks.


I was planning on during the dips doing a 100% water change and sterilizing everything, then adding new, clean, live rock.


This would prevent new brook attaching to him and making the dip worthless while still keeping the tank seeding with copeopods.


Glad to hear its a shorter life cycle.

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