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What are these black spots on clown goby?


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I already have one yellow clown goby in DT and bought a second one which I put in QT. I have been treating it with cupramine (didn't have ich but just to be safe) for the last 3 weeks and realized black/brown spots started to appear a week ago mostly along the base of its dorsal fin, some on its body.


It eats like a pig, happy and active. I have been watching daily and the spots don't seem to change.


I heard that clown gobies don't do well in QT with copper because of their skin and the stress it gives. are these spots a reaction to medication or another disease. However, when I treated my other yellow clown goby with cupramine few months ago It never had this problem.


Should I put it in DT to relieve the stress or its a disease that can spread?


What do you think?



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Do you have any euphyllia? Often I see clowns use them as false anemones, and since that's not really what the corals are used to they sting them. The stings look like little black spots, kind of like that.

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I don't have any corals because its in QT tank with copper. I bought it from LFS and put it in QT and started cupramine right away. I am also thinking it might not be black ich but I am not an expert maybe this parasite's cycle made spots appear after 3 weeks.


Can it be a bacterial or fungal infection? do bacterial and fungal diseases spread to other fishes if I put this in DT?

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