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What size of phytoplankton for feeding feather duster?


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I just got some feather dusters for my 8 gallon, one Sabellastarte magnifica and one Bispira tricyclia.

Before getting them, I read all about them needing to be fed LIVE phytoplankton in such a small system and that I have to be careful not to pollute the tank resulting from the feeding.


My question is simply what size of phytoplankton Sabellastarte magnifica and Bispira tricyclia usually eat.


The reason why I ask is because I want to start culturing phytoplankton myself and need to know what size of phytoplankton I should start my culture with.

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I just got some feather dusters for my 8 gallon, one Sabellastarte magnifica and one Bispira tricyclia.

Before getting them, I read all about them needing to be fed LIVE phytoplankton in such a small system and that I have to be careful not to pollute the tank resulting from the feeding.


My question is simply what size of phytoplankton Sabellastarte magnifica and Bispira tricyclia usually eat.


The reason why I ask is because I want to start culturing phytoplankton myself and need to know what size of phytoplankton I should start my culture with.


Nannochloropsis. If you buy from FAF, they call it Nannochloropsus because they can't spell (they're very good at plankton, though!) Anyway, it's the same stuff.


They're about 2 microns across.

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Nannochloropsis. If you buy from FAF, they call it Nannochloropsus because they can't spell (they're very good at plankton, though!) Anyway, it's the same stuff.


They're about 2 microns across.


Ok, great.

Will this serve as a good start culture, you think: http://www.ebay.com/itm/live-phytoplankton...=item43a665c04a ?


Will 250 mL be enough for a start culture, or should I go for the 500 mL version?


How big culture do you think I should have to produce enough phytoplankton for my 8 gallon?


I figure that I should culture in two containers at the same time. Then, if one of the cultures dies, I can restart it with culture from the other container. How is my logic here?


Also, I see that many people use "Miracle gro" for feeding their phytoplankton cultures. When I search for "miracle gro" on eBay, I get alot of different products! Which one should I use?


Is this it: http:http://www.ebay.com/itm/Miracle-Gro-Pour-Feed-1lt-All-Purpose-Liquid-Plant-Food-/160553122627?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Garden_Plants_Fertiliser_CV&hash=item2561b63b43 ?

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