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20G to start and a 40G in a few months


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New to this hobby but I have a huge imagination. My sis gave me her old 20G this week and in about 9-12 months I'm going to inherit a 40G breeder. I see a few people on this forum doing the transfers but most don't have this odd window that I have.


What equipment, if any, can I buy to start the 20G now and move to the 40G when i get it. In the end It will be a 40G with the 20G being a sump. I just hate to have to double buy things and then have a bunch of stuff that I can't use.


Don't mind ramping up either like buying a single light fixture now and then buying a second one later. I also expect that it might not be possible and I'll just have to bite the bullet.


Thanks guys

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Buy stuff for the 40 gallon tank. Like a 36" T5 light fixture (sure it will overhang but). Get an MP10 powerhead (which is adjustable), or even one Koralia powerhead (then a second when you get your 40 gallon tank). Buy the heater for the 40 gallon tank (it will work fine in a 20). And so forth.

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I guess I'm a little confused with everyones post about a 40g tank. Most of the setups seem to be customized to induvidual needs. They all use sumps with a proten skimmer, cheato, and etc. And I know that I don't need all that to start the 20g. So if I go with the heater, light, and powerhead suggested what kind of filter should I get that would transfer to the 40g tank when I get it?


I'm not going to focus on fish with this tank. Mainly inverts and some corals until I get the larger tank. Originally I was looking at the jbj unibody. But now that the end product is going to be a 40g is there an led setup that I can purchase a single fixture now and add another to it later: i.e. buy a boostled par30 kit now and then buy another when I get the 40?


Again thanks for all the help. The last time I talked to the guy at the lfs he straight up lied to my face.

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I guess I'm a little confused with everyones post about a 40g tank. Most of the setups seem to be customized to induvidual needs. They all use sumps with a proten skimmer, cheato, and etc.
Yeah, you can add whatever you want. I've grown to like skimmers and carbon/GFO reactors as opposed to a Chaeto refugium, but whatever you what.


So if I go with the heater, light, and powerhead suggested what kind of filter should I get that would transfer to the 40g tank when I get it?
You really don't need a power filter for the 20 if you want to wait. A cheap Walmart HOB filter is also fine for your 20, but you probably won't be moving it to your 40. I'd probably get 30lbs of rock (it's a little more than a 20 gallon needs, but it's best to have it all cured before you transfer it.


But now that the end product is going to be a 40g is there an led setup that I can purchase a single fixture now and add another to it later: i.e. buy a boostled par30 kit now and then buy another when I get the 40?
More like two PAR38 bulbs for the 20 and and a third for the 40.


Hope that helps.

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For LEDs try kessils 150w ocean blue. Two should be good for a 40b, they work amazing! Tho its like $250 each :/ not sure if you like the price lol just had to suggest them since I have 1 on my 20Long. :)


Edit: why dont you make the 20 you have into a sump when you get your 40b? Would be nice IMO, sumps are great! And require way less maintenance than a HOB/Canister filter. Plus you have room for skimmer, heater, carbon, chemipure, etc. And when you make Water changes, you can do it thru your sump to not disturb your DT. Plus you evaporate on the sump and your DT will not have salt creep and look very clean :) JMO

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For LEDs try kessils 150w ocean blue. Two should be good for a 40b, they work amazing! Tho its like $250 each :/ not sure if you like the price lol just had to suggest them since I have 1 on my 20Long. :)


Edit: why dont you make the 20 you have into a sump when you get your 40b? Would be nice IMO, sumps are great! And require way less maintenance than a HOB/Canister filter. Plus you have room for skimmer, heater, carbon, chemipure, etc. And when you make Water changes, you can do it thru your sump to not disturb your DT. Plus you evaporate on the sump and your DT will not have salt creep and look very clean :) JMO


That was what I had in mind but since I have the 20g now and the 40g won't be here for a few months (9-12)I had the idea of starting it and getting the rock going and spread out the pain to wallet.


As far as turning it into a sump I have no idea how to do that and what all I needed to get it started so I was going to use the next few months to research it and figure out exactly what to do. I was going to write a new post for that when the time came but if you have any suggestions please let me know or point me in the right direction. The only catch is that I don't want to drill the tank as I may end up going larger and using it for something else.


This is the nicest and most informative forum out there and thanks for replying

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The only catch is that I don't want to drill the tank as I may end up going larger and using it for something else.
A standard 40B tank is only $40 during Petco's dollar per gallon sale. I would drill it and buy another tank down the road (if you want another tank which isn't drilled).
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